Prone to Wander... And Yet He's So Faithful...

January 20 2006
It's really great to know that God's in control and I'm not.

After being pretty darn stressed and pretty darn tired with new changes and following through on commitments, it's been great to feel God's peace today as things fall oh so perfectly into place.

Yeah... I totally dropped my acting class to add a communications class... and I know it was from God because they were all closed. And yet there was a spot right there for me, right there after I checked for it because I felt prompted and compelled to do it.

He stirred my heart and whispered that I was only meant to stay in my acting class for a short time, enough time to befriend a girl that I will still see in two of my other classes.

Next weekend I'm helping out with 3 for the Son and there's one more thing in my life I've got to let go of before then... something I will struggle with the whole weekend... but I'm going to give this to God and ask Him to work through it, because His strength is made perfect in my weakness.

And now that I've sounded way more spiritual than I really feel...

You can leave some comments and tell me about your day. :)


January 21 2006
What time ya taking comm?