MTSU Friends...

January 12 2006
When do y'all have a break for lunch? I don't have my schedule with me at the moment so I don't remember... but I will get back to y'all on it...

Also, on MW I have a pretty darn long break between two classes (like two hours). I'm not sure if I should go back to work, eat lunch there in the break room, work, and then go to class or seize the moment as a time of rest, or maybe go to the Rec Center and do something like cycle for a while, eat, and then go to class. Of course, some of this depends on what y'all are going to be up to at the time. Let me know por favor.


January 12 2006
umm... i'm pretty much free all day, just give me and ring and we'll do lunch sometime time... aloha

Anna Miller

January 12 2006
anytime a bunch of us were waiting for classes or were gonna eat lunch on TR, we'd just go to the KUC. everybody hangs out in there. yeah, i went on and just got a new TA book. stupid publishers. i can't help but wonder what new things are being put in those things each time.


January 12 2006
Lol. Love these comments. Lunch on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday after 1005 but before 1245. Tuesday after 1105 but before 2. Thursday after 11:05 but before 1. I've got a complicated schedule. I think those are the right times. Lol.

Ben Moser

January 13 2006
they do make the old imacs...their just called emacs now.