School, Life, A Little Bit of Everything...

October 19 2005
Geology is still icky. And if anyone wants to pray for my test this Friday, it would be greatly appreciated!

And for once in my life... math is my easiest subject... but that's because it's 1010... thank goodness for that... Anyhow, I got my second test back in there today and I got another 100, so... that's currently my average in that class. I think that should give me enough margin for my English and geology classes in case something horrible happens on these upcoming tests and papers...

By the way, I do not know for a fact that they are tearing down Kid's Castle. That's just what I heard through the grapevine, but I have no credible source to speak of. When Anna and I were there yesterday, we were really hoping that the orange fencing around it indicated that building would be happening outside, with no destruction inside. HOPEFULLY.

A few random things you should know about me:
~My least favorite thing about Murfreesboro is driving in it. My second least favorite thing is the cost of housing and the crazy sales tax.
~My favorite thing about Murfreesboro is my friends. :) Awww...
~I am obsessed with pictures. And scrapbooking.
~I am majoring in electronic media production because well made movies/ trailers/ music videos fascinate me, and I want to have the ability to do that.
~When I grow up, I want to be a story teller. I have many stories I want to share in many different forms and fashions.
~What is way more important to me than a career, however, is first off being in God's Will, and second off, being a wife and mother.
~I'm conservative, and I think Bill O'Reilly and Ronald Reagan are amazing.
~I love to write when I'm not forced to do it.
~I love music.
~Chocolate makes me happy.
The rest I'll leave up to you to discover...


October 19 2005
well i hope they dont tear down kids castle, that would be a sad day. piece

Anna Miller

October 19 2005
I asked my boss about Kid's Castle today, and he said "for now" they're building around it.