
March 29 2006

last nite, i pierced my ear (safely w/ a do it yourself kit that Linda and Jackie got me for my birthday)

My brother and I are spending the nite at the Weber's tonite. Elissa and I are gonna cook dinner ^^ w00t! and we're gonna watch Memoirs of a Geisha and The Pest ^^

I hope today is a beautiful day!

"What journey will you make
in your limited time?"
-Ayu (Beautiful Day)

P.S. Happy 20th Anniversery, Mom and Dad!

Carol Nixon

March 29 2006
i LOVE The Pest!.....a priceless movie....

Maria Renee Rodriguez Jimon

March 30 2006
I'm going to add you to my other phuse.. I;m slowly getting my others to that one cuz hitchcock is on an evil rampage.