October 01 2005
So Friday I had a really bad migran, so I went home after early morning, but I needed to go to prime time w/ color guard, so I slept till about 12:40 the got up and went to school for that, well then I was kinda hungry and I knew my stomach couldn't take much so I went to Panera Bread for some soup where this guy that was taking my order was totally hitting on me, but that isn't the point, the point is is that my mom went to the pet store while I was getting my food, well I went over there and they had a Pomeranian that was just precious, so I asked if we could play w/ her and wow did she have some energy, and so I really really really wanted her, and so I told my mom that I would give up driving to pay for her, and she said she would have to tak to david. Well the guy offered us 100 off that day, so if we wanted her we had to get her then or it would be an extra 100, so we went to walmart, then home depot and my mom talked to david while she was in homedepot and he agreed!!! So yea I got this cute 12 week old Pomeranian, she is all black, but one paw is white, and she is so precious so that is her name...Precious and I love her to death, I am very excited, but Idk if her name is going to stay Precious, I was thinking Tiger Lilly b/c it's a disney movie name from Peter Pan, and I love the LSU TIGERS and she loves to eat my mom's flowers, and so that is where I got Lilly, but if anyone has any suggestions I am all ears, b/c her name needs to be special just like she is well give me some name suggestions and I will think about it...


October 01 2005
i named a dog at this birthday party i went to this summer Sweet potato.... my parents wouldn't let me have her... :( it was sad. we didn't even play capture the flag cause i was supposed to call ppl & i didn't. we went to outback instead--YUM. so you didn't miss out on the amazing game


October 02 2005
tha was me :) ^