September 27 2005
Ok Idk if yall knew but m and another member of the guard went and talked to the directors yesturday about the Color Guard. We went in there mainly b/c of Friday night b/c there was too much that happened that didn't need to. Did other things come up YES but they were things that needed to be brought up. Yes I am not the captain, but I am a member of the guard and I'm not going to wait for a captain to go to the directors when there is a problem, b/c if the captains are going to be the only people that ever talk to the directors, then yes you won't feel like the directors are including the guard or that you don't have a relationship w/ them, if I have a problem w/ something in band I don't go to Anna or Katie b/c they are the section leaders, yes I will go to them first but if they don't get it done then I'm going to go talk to the directors, and color guard is a section just like clarinets or trumpets or any other instuments, our instruments are our flags, we are a section and we need to act like it. And if you have a problem w/ me going to the directors and what was said come to me 2 other girls did that and we talked about it and one of them, to my knowledge, is fine now and we talked if first this morning. I didn't go in there w/ an intent to name names, there were points where the directors asked for names and I named names, but I didn't rat anyone out. And if you think you know what happened then you might want to check w/ me, b/c last time I check there were only 4 people in the directors office, not everyone that has been talking behind my back. And yes some people heard bits and pieces b/c the directors asked us to tell padiellah what we told them, but no one was there that intire conversatoin we had w/ him last night and so no one really knows everything, they just heard pieces, adn then they go off and tell other girls and then I walk by people in lunch or see them in the hall way and I know they are talking about what I said and I know they aren't getting the truth, so if you will please just come to me and talk, don't do it on IM b/c I did that w/ 2 girls last night and it just got confusing and made things worse. and there is a PRIME TIME MEETING FRIDAY IN THE BAND ROOM TO TALK ABOUT ANNOUNCEMENTS AND WHAT WAS TALKED ABOUT BETWEEN THE BAND DIRECTOR AND ME AND THE OTHER PERSON and I really don't care if people hate me right now b/c if we get this situation and color guard solved I think it would be worth it to be talked about for a couple of days and be hated for a couple of days b/c this is getting rediculous and we need it solved.

Well I love all the girls on guard, weather you realize it or not, I do and I hope everyone had a great day!!!



September 27 2005
go tigers!!!