catching up

September 25 2005
Ok powder puff football went AWESOME, I don't know how it was in the stands, but the players and cheerleaders had a bunch of fun, and Lancaster said that we made around 2000, yea I know a bunch of money, and then he said how I did really good on it, and I'm excited that we are starting traditions b/c we need them

Ali Vice and I dressed up as students from Hogwarts on Tuesday, I was a Sylithern and she was a Ravenclaw, b/c we couldn't find ties that were Greffendor colors, and yea we were so cute, I was excited.

On Wednesday I was scary, I'll have pictures on here later, but let's just say it was scary and leave it at that.

Friday was everything, the parade was long as usual, the pep rally was cool, and Seniors did great, The talent show was histarical, Brenden and Micah were the host and they cracked me up!!! Mr. BHS was intresting to say the least, let's just say Officer Nelson got a little to close to Mrs.Vick, and Micah won, he was really good and totally diserved it!

Ok for all you SIEGEL people Coach Hibdon is hilarious, he had a "dance off" w/ one of the guys that is pretty good at dancing, and he was going through (he isn't that bad of a dancer) and then at one point took paper or something out of his pocket and blew it in his face, it was AWESOME.

The game...well we lost, didn't even score surprise surprise, it was against brentwood and they are a good team. Their band wasn't there so we preformed TWICE, yea that was stressfull and tiring b/c we had to reset all of our equipment. But we did good, and MR. JOLLY was there and so he put us in high spirts.

The dance was let's just say intresting, all the music was botty poppin' not good music and let's just say one guy lost respect and one guy gained it, it was kinda weird, like they switched bodies or something, and me and Mrs. Rhome had a really good conversations and helped me out in some problems I've been having, well it was a crappy dance and I won't go to any other dance but snowball or prom again in my high school career.

Ok well I'm hungry and I'm probably going to go eat something not healthy, my mom has been saying that I haven't eaten heathly in the past couple of weeks, but I've been under all this stress from Homecoming and Powder Puff Football, and it is just hard, and then she gets back from Nashville today and get's on the computer and then is like I need to take a nap, and she won't go to Walmart, which I really need to do, and she won't cook or anything, so I'm just going to eat something unheathy b/c there is nothing else to eat, well now I'm done w/ ranting I'm out.