what can I say...

September 11 2005
Ok so I got this "annonymous" comment on xanga...

you're a fucking retard for trying to count how many licks to the center of a tootsie pop...you'll never get into MIT cuz you spend all your time doing this kinda shit, mater of fact, i dont think you can even count that high

and I responded w/ this...

Well I'm sorry you feel that way, I wanted to do it, I put my mind to it and did it, and so if I ever find out who you are I'll copy my acceptance letter to MIT, and give it to you, it might not happen the first year I go to college, actually I don't even want to go there right away, so if I find out who you are than I'll let you see, b/c when I put my mind to something I get it done, and trust me my mind is set on going to MIT so it's happening. Oh and you might want to rethink this whole annonymous xanga thing, granted I have one, but it is to put a person up and help them w/ there life, not to put them down, and I also have a feeling of who you are and I have a feeling your in the band, and something I put my mind to was getting into 4th period band and pretty sure it happened, and my mind is set on getting drum major next year so if you have to look at me up on that podium everyday at band camp, or everytime we have practice or we are in the stands playing on on the field performing, don't be surprised b/c I have a feeling it's going to happen...well have a nice day

< Megan >

Well I hope everyone understands where I stand, b/c I want yall to know b/c I think that you have a right too.

Anna Miller

September 11 2005
haha... remmeber the conversation about those two people? the one at your house.