people upset me...

September 06 2005
I'm sorry, but when you are just plain outright being mean and they realize it and they don't have a problem w/ it... ok like today someone, actually someones were doing something, and last year we learned about being a ten in band from scott lang, well these people were like oh I'm being a ten by doing this, and I just felt like screaming, "ok you think your being a ten? well how would you feel if this happened to you?" but of coarse I didn't b/c i bit my tounge, and I think that the people that did this should apoligize b/c no one diserves that, and that if you did apoligize then you would be a 11 in my eyes, and you know who you are, and then some of you are thinking what the heck? but only some people will get this, but I think they really need to know.