a bunch of randomness

September 03 2005
Ok let's start w/ yesturday night, so we got our new uniforms and I took mine out of the bag, and guess what??? they are velvet!!! And everyone else had spandex, so mellie and I were the only 2 w/ velvet, but it's ok b/c I really don't think you can tell from the stands that they are velvet, but ours are darker and mrs. monson was so mad, but mr. mieres just laughed and made fun of me the rest of the night, but he knows I know he's kidding so it's all good.

So the highest poing of the game last night was when the guys weren't even on the field... that's right halftime baby, and the funny thing is everyone was on their feet when we were doing our halftime show, but during the game they were just sitting...oh and these people made this sigh that said, "You might be able to beat our FOOTBALL TEAM, but you can't beat our BAND" so yea that was really cool and it is so true, I mean when we lose 63-0 it is kinda sad, but that is ok b/c we are always going to be there for the guys, and you are more of a fan if you are cheering for a losing team then you are for a winning team, so it must be pretty easy to cheer for riverdale b/c they always win...

But last night I saw a bunch of people I know on the RHS band, and I got to see Shayne and boy was he sweatie, but that's ok he played hard and he did good.

Well spent the night at Katie's house and I came to find that it usually isn't good to have your best friends hang out together, at least w/ me b/c all of mine are total oppisites and it's the same w/ me and Kelly who are both best friends w/ Katie, let's just say it was weird...

I hung out w/ Ali and Allysa tonight it was freaking awesome, the greatest night I've had in a while, well actually it was just last week at my party, but it was still a BUNCH of fun so that's all that matters...

Well I'm going to go to bed now, I'm tired and I need my sleep...

Ben Moser

September 03 2005
you should

Laura Polis

September 03 2005
bhs got SLAMMED!