'07 '07 '07 '07 '07

August 19 2005
So you know how seniors are guarenteed the first and the last pep rally, well class of '07 took the last one away from the seniors last year, and pretty sure class of '07 took the first one away from this years seniors, we are so on a roll, and it just goes to show, give your best and you will defeat. Well sorry seniors, good luck next time...

Julie Brockwell

August 21 2005
Not to be rude but I just thought I would let you know that the class of 07 DID NOT, I repeat, did not take the first pep-rally from the senior last year. The seniors WON ever football pep rally. the term SENIONR DYNASTY came from that. Just thought I would let you know that being a senior from last year..