I don't like hurting peoples feelings

August 14 2005
Ok so now I take it all back, I'm not the one to usually take things back all the time, but I realized b/c of a friend by the name of Miss. Jana Johnson that that last entry is harsh, and mean and I don't want one of the last things he remembers me by is she is the girl that hates me and that hurt my feelings, so sorry _______ ____, hope you will forgive me and hopefully we can still talk every once and a while.

and a little side note...I really want to see Red Eye and that movie where the woman falls asleep and when she wakes up her son is gone and isn't on the plane, idk what it is called but I'm sure you know what I'm talking about


August 16 2005
lol!!! i love you megan!!! i hope everything is going great with school!! yesterday i got up for work and i was like wait i should be at school!! then i was like no nvm lol!!! i felt like i was skipping all day yesterday!! lol!!! o well!!! o that guy names is andrew!!! lol!!! he is one of my close friends!! lol!!! well i must go now!! luv ya!! ~Rachel~