1st day of school

August 11 2005
So today has been eventful, my dr called and said that i shouldn't spin for a week, so at the end of the day I was so bored I was doing tosses and moves w/ one hand...

Next a certain someone showed up at band camp today and I just wanted to say, " ________ _____, come here" and just lay one on him but you know me, I would never do that, and he is probably going to read this and be like "omg that girl is crazy" which I am, and my mom will read it come to me and say "Megan I'm very disappointed w/ you" but I have to get that off my chest.

Well Katie came to Blackman but now her mom is saying I'm a bad influence (the girl that makes all A's and B's and that is a good little christain girl and is known for it) and that she can't come to my house, I can't come to hers and that if she ever sees anything blackman on her car it's gone, and if she gets an F on anything than her car is gone, she has to take choir and that now her life is basically a living hell, literally. And so we are going to see how we can get to our classes so we see eachother as much as possible, and I'm just really mad b/c now it's like I got my best friend at school w/ me and not even 24 hours after it was finalized her mom says we can't even see eachother. But it's kinda like when a boyfriend and girlfriend are aloud to see eachother but they sneek behind their parents back, well that is going to be us, but we are friends.

Well the day got better when we went outside and everything was going so smothly

today for half the day I was in all the wrong classes b/c my schedule is messed up, but then I got the right one, and I was on both attendance list so my teachers probably thought I was skipping or something, which is sad, but that's ok b/c I got it fixed, here is the schedule...

E - Honors English III Lancaster
1 - Honors Spanish II Marrison
2 - ABLS Wright (Tech Marketing Meadows S2)
3 - Adv Honors Alg. II Hardy
4 - Adv Honors Band Monson
5 - Adv Honors Chem Millsap

Well tell me if I'm in any classes since mine were messed up today... and come to see the Blackman Band preform tomorrow at 5 on the football field it should be really good

Laura Polis

August 12 2005
that doesn't make any sense that Laurel won't let you hang out with katie?


August 12 2005
whaaat? Katie Nutt at Blackman now? wow, why did she change schools all of a sudden?