
August 07 2005
my sister left around 6:45 this morning, she won't be back till January 3 or 4, and I won't be able to see her except for fall break and around Christmas, it is going to be SO wierd w/o her here, I will miss her a lot, and I will probably go through withdrawal issuses, I haven't gone 3 weeks w/ out seeing her and now I have to wait at least 3 monthes! Ok well I g2g get ready for church, adios!


August 07 2005
yeah i'm by myself every school year. and by the time that she comes back you won't want her back cuz you'll like being the only child (well most of the time anyways :P)


August 07 2005
aww... Laura's left? :( sad you'll be fine though I'm sure...just give it a little time to get used to it all.