car troubles

August 03 2005
So my sister and i went to this person's house b/c that was where stones river's youth group was going to play games, well I was pulled along w/ everyone, and so we played cards till about 11, and we were like, we need to get home, so we give this guy a ride home, and he gave us $5 for gas, we stop at a gas station, and laura was like "there's smoke coming out of my car" and so we pop the hood and it didn't look good, well about 2 min. later this old guy shows up and he and his wife own a gradge called radfor's and their # is 459-9391, and they know what they are doing and they helped us for free, and yea that is where I'll be going for any car trouble, b/c out of the kindness of their hearts they helped two teenagers who don't know the first thing about cars, and then they gave us these tracks, they are little booklets they talk about God, and he said "read this in one sitting", my sister said "we're baptized" he said, "did I ask if you were baptized" (jokingly) and we laughed and went on our way, so yea you can reach out to someone and show them christ just by being nice and helping them w/ car trouble.

"There are many CHURCHES and many DENOMINATIONS - but there is only ONE TRUE Church. Jesus is the head of that Church. He called it "MY CHURCH" (matt 16:18), and all BORN AGAIN believers are members of the one TRUE Church."

Laura Polis

August 03 2005
woman, I said i'm saved!