What you do when your on spring break...

March 28 2006
Well I'm babysitting for 10 hours a day, so yea, I'm getting online A LOT and so aparently everyone else is doing there spring break thing, and I'm stuck here, getting on phusebox, myspace, facebook, and even xanga (which I rarly ever get on) but the thing is, everyone is having a lot more fun then I am b/c barly any of my friends have posted anything lately.
But I guess that's what I get, but I do need the money from babysitting b/c I'm going to TX w/ the band the wednesday after we get back from spring break, and so I'm going to need this money, but it is very tiresome, and I've tallied it up, and by the end of the week I'm going to have worked
62 HOURS which my friends is a whole lot of hours, and that is way more than my mom does, but I guess this is what a babysitters life is, you have your fast weeks and you have your slow weeks, and this week is as fast as lightning, well anyways, I'm done ranting, I'm going to go watch b/c I love Peter Pan and I have nothing else to do, so yall have fun now

Oh, I thought this was cute I got it from a bulletin on myspace:

what a kiss means, kiss is the language of love,
then we have a lot to talk about it...
methods of love....

*kiss on the ear--------------------"i'm horny"
*kiss on the cheek-----------------"we're friends"
*kiss on the hand------------------"i adore you"
*kiss on the neck-------------------"we belong together"
*kiss on the shoulder--------------"i want you"
*kiss on the lips---------------------"i love you" or "i want you"
*holding hands--------------------"we can learn to love each other"
*a wink---------------------------------"Let's get it on"
*slap on the butt---------------------"thats mine"
*playing with the ear----------------"i can't live without you"
*holding on tight---------------------"don't let go"
*looking into each other's eyes---"let's get romantic"
*playing with hair on head---------------"tell me you love me"
*arms around the waist -----------"i love you too much to let go"
*laughing while kissing-------"i am completley comfortable w/you"

***if you're kissing someone, close your eyes. it's not nice to stare...

***if you were thinking about someone while reading this, you're definitely in love...

beth cooper

March 29 2006
i like that last part. and um...yes i was thinking about someone while reading it. lol