Kaylie Dulaney


Relationship Status



January 23 2006

hey guys...well i'm in first period right now...really bored...i've been really busy with work lately...i have a "date" friday night...i guess it's not technically a date, bcuz i'm not allowed to date him, but w/e! he's just a really funny guy, and we're just hanging out....Kristin bell is also going with us, so that'll be fun! neways..i work tonight, and tomorrow night i have to write a paper for Vanzant...yea... fun fun...then i work thursday night also...then friday going to see saw 2 (MAYBE) and out to eat...but i'm paying for my own! so it's not a date...neways...yea i work saturday night, which isn't gonna be fun again, and then sunday church...yea then the rest of my normal routine! well i'm out..i guess i'll se everybody later.



January 23 2006
i've got a date too!! but you already knew that.


January 24 2006
no, not for prom, just this weekend. (brannon) and i'll never have a date for prom.