Michael Hooper
Favorite Music
Favorite Movies
Batman Begins, The Last Samari, The Chronicles of Ridick.
September 23 2006
I'm debating blogging more, but I don't really see the point unless I have something major happen in my life, and even then I just never really feel like taking the time to put it into words, and onto my site. It just doesn't seem like you would be interested in the mundane events of my life. Would you rather me just post random, insignificant stuff that happen really often, or just save blogging for more interesting subjects?
Marybeth Jensen
September 23 2006
Well, you know...you could post random, insignificant stuff that happens really often, and then when something interesting happens you could post that as well...or, is that just a really dumb idea?
Bill Morgan
September 23 2006
Do a few random events each week so we know you are alive and well (which is hard to do from 10k miles away) ... and certainly blog the important stuff
Rebecca Jensen
September 24 2006
blog interesting important things... they don't even have to be relevent to your day.