Christina Ruth



November 05 2005

So guys...some AMAZING things have been happening to me lately...GOD IS SO PRESENT in my life right now, and I thank Him for it.

So first...A few weeks ago, we had a celebration service since our church got 100 acres of new land.  They set up a big tent on the property, and we had the service there!  Isn't that completely AWESOME!?  The sermon was so fitting, touching, encouraging, and inspiring, that I remembered just how AWESOME God is, and I strengthened my faith that day.  That day was just too awesome to put into words.

Then, Judgement House.  May I just say, this is the first time I ever went, and guys, IT WAS AMAZING!  The message was completely real, touching, inspiring, it was just AMAZING you guys.  I went on Wednesday with my brother, and I thought, how cool is this!?  The scene with Heaven even made me teary-eyed.  I thought about how lucky we are to have such a forgiving, loving, awesome God.  Then, I took a friend on Thursday.  She's new to Christ, and me and my family are sort of the ones who helped her come to Christ.  When she was 1st interested, I gave her my backpack Bible, because I felt like God was telling me to give it to her.  Guys, you don't know how much she says it means to her...she thanks me, and tells me she reads it.  Isn't that great!  Helping someone come to Christ is one of the best feelings that you can ever feel.  During the summer, my church always does a series, and we started taking her to youth.  She came to Christ, and now she continues to go to youth every week.  This is especially good cause her family owns a bed-and-breakfast, and on the weekends they go down there.  They haven't really found a good church there yet.  My next goal is to get her baptized.  She wants to do it so bad.  She knew some about the Rapture, but seeing her reaction to Judgement House was just completely AMAZING!  She didn't understand some stuff before, but after she went through it, and when we were done I explained it more to her, she thought that that was so cool.  She said that she will miss me so much when I move, cause I'm the one who helped her come to God.  How AMAZING is that u guys!?

Then, last Saturday at church, we were singing.  I've been thinking about how we have to move.  Although I'm excited, I'm sad at the same time.  Sometimes I think of how hard it may be to not see my friends everyday, how much I love it here.  I've made so many great friends, and I've just made some new ones.  I was unsure of how it may be, although I've gone through it b4, but when we were singing, God said "Everything's going to be okay."  I felt like He was giving me a BIG HUGE HUG.  In that moment, I had a sense of peace, and I felt like everything was going to be okay.  We have to have faith.  We have to trust God.  It reminded me of how sometimes it may be hard, we have to have faith, and we have to trust, God will get you through anything and everything.  ...

and one of my friends is going through something right now.  It's nothing bad or anything, but he just wants some answers.  I'm not sure what, but he just asked us to pray for him.  While searching for words to give him encouragement, those were some of the words I told him.  God will get you through anything and everything.  And it was really cool too, because I was on Mary Lauren Sunshine's site.  I heard part of her song before, but today, I took the time to listen to it more closely.  Some of the words..."What am I" simple yet powerful, I thought.  Who are we really, to deserve such a loving, forgiving, awesome God?  And she found a quote from 1984 that we are reading in English.'s cool!  Visit her site at my_heart_song.  But during the time of listening to the song, and writing her a comment, the words came to me, God just gave them to me right then and there, and I went to his site and wrote him a REALLY long comment.  Pray for him please.

And I've been told a lot lately by my friends how they think I'm an awesome person, and how my passion for Jesus is AMAZING!  In Biology, Kelsey Belle said it in front of some people, and it just amazing.   And Andrea Schreiber, who I haven't seen in forever...since 8th grade in fact...finally saw her at J-House!...I only talked to her for like 2 minutes, and she just left me one of the sweetest comments ever.  She said she was so glad we remembered eachother, and she loved my passion for Jesus!  She's absolutely one of the sweetest people I know...Andi, I LOVE U! 

So, yeah, been feeling really cool, cause God's so cool, so just pray for me as God continues to be AWESOME!

Ur smiles make me smile , and Jesus loves u and so do I!
-Christina Ruth


November 07 2005
i LOOOOOOOOVE Christina Ruth Vehar!!! you're amazing!! see you tomorrow in 2nd!


November 25 2005
hey babe!! have a great day! .::kara::.

Mary Lauren

December 07 2005
hah you copy and paste your xanga entries on here too? yay! lol i knew i wasnt the only one. i love you and thank you so much for the get well sign. it made my day!!!! let God rock it.