
February 14 2006
This is what I learned these weekend... bugs are bad... flocks of birds are good... um.. never go into the reltionships aisle in hastings... and there is a section on drugs there..cleverly disguised of course... guys and girls think REALLY differently.... I have fantabulous friends who I am very sorry I did not spend time with this weekend... I am an idiot... I dont think much..like at all really.. I hd a dream my phone broke in half, but I could still use each half... I onl have 2 weeks left of swimming... which means 2 weeks of blonde hair... um.... I think thats about it... and I want to apologized to anyone i have done anything bad to..

Elaine Stephens

February 14 2006
lol, life is full of learning experiences, huh? btw, how exactly did you find the drug section in hastings? hehe, lemme guess, does it include how-to books or something? oh, and you're not an idiot. you can't fool me! lol, love you!


February 14 2006
Lol, the birds and the...bugs...cassie's one crazy cracka