Devils Rejects is great.

July 28 2005

The girl I like(don't even ask, im not telling)..well I think im going to ask her out to lunch tomorrow. I am tired of wasting time. I'm just gonna give her a call, and chit chat. Then, im going to straight up ask her. "would you like to go out to get lunch or dinner sometime?. " Or something like not trying to bullshit like im some kind of player or something. Fuck that shit. Honesty is not always the best idea, but it seems like the right one. Ecspecially when my intentions are pure, as should be my word.

wish me luck,
my name

Ed Hulme

July 28 2005
cool stuff

Erin Caudillo

July 28 2005
IKNOWIKNOW. bahaha. i'm the coolest ever. goodluck. it will go fine

Brittany Dickens

July 29 2005

cailsey anthony

July 29 2005
ahh the devels regects. i loved itttt so much. and good luck with the girl, im sure it will work out.

Kristen Anderson

July 29 2005
ah so sweet. thanks for the comment.


July 29 2005
do I know you??


July 29 2005
do I know you??

LiKe YoOh NeEd tO kNoW?!?!?!?!?!?!

July 29 2005
How do I confuse you????


July 29 2005
good luck

Lauren Beasley

July 29 2005


July 30 2005
askin straight up, thats real man. piece


July 30 2005
playas arent THAT bad ...unless your the one thats getting played..that sucks lol well good lucky buddy!