Passively Amazing Adventures

June 24 2005
Dear Literate(sp?) reader,
Yesterday was cool. I was doing a whole bunch of cool stuff all day long. Then i weant to the mall and saw the Faz Kid's Night crew. Well a few members, GRace your soooooooooooooooooooo mean. But get this, I was re-introduced to a great guitar player. So that was cool. Then the girl that i used to like a lot. Comes up with her friends and informs me that....get this shit....get this... tells me she broke up with her boyfriend(duesche{sp?}...and then i proceed to inquire as to what she has been doing all summer..and she tells me that she got a bass. I was like wow...Then, she says "I've been looking for someone to teach me how to play, but i can't find anyone." i just started sweet an event indeed.. what a glorioius i told her i played..she said she knew, i smiled..then we exchanged numbers and whatnot...then i told her i would try really hard to remember to call her later that night. Luckily..with some help from friends i remembered to call her. Well im rambling and have been rambling for about 20 ill see you all later

your buddy,
Jeremy Hirt

Jane Woodard

June 24 2005
hee he! i saw you and gave you a hug!!!! :-D

Krista Anderson

June 24 2005
Thanks for the comment on my pic. That made me smile. :)


June 25 2005
thats cool with me...gotta let ya know crazy lol ill do nething for a laugh ! But sure more ppl i know...the better!


June 25 2005
bass players and guitar players and drummers are hot! good luck with everything

Sarah Vermillion

June 27 2005
Whooo. Good luck with your bass-playing lady friend. ;-)