Drugs - What's Your Story?

August 17 2006

Man, last night's service was so good. Kenny is doing a series called "Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll" so last night was drugs. The verse he read talked about if you think you're standing strong as a Christian BE CAREFUL because even the strongest Christians can fall. That's exactly what happened to his best friend Jason. Kenny didn't really have a sermon, it was more like a story about Jason and how he was this awesome Christian and everybody loved him, but then drugs completely ruined his life in just a short period of time. Hannah and I did a human video called "Walking Dead" which I'm really glad went well. Even though I thought it was kind of a fun human video, I know God used us to touch the hearts of those middle school students with it. I'm so thankful for that. The altar call was amazing. Pretty much everyone in the room was crying before they left. I can't wait to see what God and Kenny have in store for next week!


August 17 2006
that series sounds awesome...drugs have really become a problem here in Hawaii. it's sad...but even tho i dont know you personally its awesome to see how God is working in different people in very different places a-m-a-z-i-n-g =) Aloha, catelin

Jessica Jo

August 21 2006

Jessica Jo

August 24 2006
You are such a good friend. I love you.