
September 04 2006

I'm not particularly fond of writing about my day and all that jazz anymore. Seriously, what does that do for you, my readers? Nothing, unless I have a funny story and it brings laughter to your life.

I wish we were more real with each other. I wish that we didn't pretend that everything was fine and dandy when it's not. People that put on a show and supress what they really feel are just setting themselves up for nothing. Nothing is accomplished unless true feelings are revealed. Have you ever noticed how much more things make sense when you know the truth? Have you ever noticed how much more quickly problems reach a solution when we're honest with each other?

the brian king kenobi

September 04 2006
mmmmmhmmmmmmmmmmmm . . .


September 05 2006
anna...i hate you. and that's the truth. just kidding...i luff you :o) but seriously, that's good stuff. i totally agree.


September 05 2006
I totally agree with you there.