
July 22 2006

My Spanish class made, so I'll start teaching next week. I'm pretty excited, but I really don't know where to start. The students range from kindergarden through sixth grade; thankfully, I won't have anymore than fifteen. Another "class" I'll have is Molding Mania--aka, I get paid to sit and make things out of play dough. There are supposed to be two more classes for me to teach, but I haven't been told what they are yet.

I'm pretty much moved into my new room. More information on a movie night/get together will be out in the next week or so, depending on when I get everything organized.

One down, one to go.


July 22 2006
hehe. playdoh is FUN!!

the brian king kenobi

July 22 2006


July 22 2006
Party at Anna's!!! YAY! And the play-doh does sound like a lot of fun!

kelsey shearron

July 23 2006
sounds good kiddo!