
July 15 2006

I don't care what anybody else says, old school Disney movies have the best love songs. Driving home from Murfreesboro, I found myself sheepishly grinning as A Whole New World played.


. . . and may I say that finding jeans at Buckle priced under $40 definitely makes for a happy Anna.

I wrangled the pre-k and kindergardeners last week; this coming week I will take on 3rd and 4th grade. Interesting times will be had, I'm sure.

. . .we got everything we need right here, and everything we need is enough. it's so easy when the whole world fits inside of your arms. . .

i love jack johnson.

Ben Moser

July 15 2006
We listened to A whole new world many times on our van so far....

Sarah Vermillion

July 16 2006
The old school animated Disney movies are timeless. They will never ever be outdated or bad.


July 16 2006
well atleast the 3 &4 graders might listen.... Hopefully. buckle jeans under 1 million (aka 80 bucks) thats insane!! :-)


July 16 2006
I like a "Whole New World". And good deals on clothing. Good luck with the 3rd and 4th graders! I'm sure they'll be pretty good though... should be better than kindergartners... lol...


July 16 2006
i totally definitely agree about the Disney songs...and "A Whole New World" definitely ranks up there with the best of the best :o)