Roast Beef, Fire in the Sky, and Ice Cream

July 05 2006

So. . . last night, I went to Nashville with Amy, Rachel, Dena, Jordan, Lauren, Patrick, and Aimee Davis to watch fire and tinkerbell fall from the sky. We all stopped in Smyrna and ate at Arby's ((where it took forever and a day to get our food, but that's okay because conversations were good all around)) before going to Nashville. We ate, admired the beauty of the Arby's, and I shot a bottle rocket from the inside of Jordan's car before we left :) We all arrived in Nashville around 6:15 ((I'm guessing)) and walked about two miles to get to the bridge. Not having gone to the restroom is quite some time, Rachel, Lauren, Aimee, and I walked down to Joe's Crab Shack to use their toilets. After grabbing some bottles of water, we headed back to our spots on the bridge. Many pictures were taken, lots of laughs were had, music from the amazing Josh Turner was heard, and some of us were lucky enough to have a view of a gorgeous "full moon" right next to us ;) After about two hours of laying around on the bridge, the fireworks started, and I wondered how much of our tax dollars went into the show; then Patrick said the money was donated. Anyone know for sure? Sarah marveled at the tinkerbells and fire falling the sky and kept getting confused as to when the finale actually was. Poor Sarah. The finale came and went, and we discovered there was going to be quite a wait before the bridge was going to reopen and allow everybody to get off. What's a person to do? Eat ice cream we decided. So Patrick, Jordan, Lauren, Aimee, and I started down the other side of the bridge and walked the streets of downtown in search of a nice ice cream shop. It was found ((and even featured live music)) and we ate our "single scoop" ((it was really about five scoops, lol)) ice cream. After eating, we ventured back through downtown, across the bridge, and to the car in which everybody came in. However, we couldn't just leave when Jordan had about 278489384 bottle rockets and a huge sparkler in his trunk. So what did we do? You got it.

Pictures can be seen at my facebook because I'm too lazy to go through the whole uploading process again.


July 05 2006
Sounds like yall had a great time!


July 06 2006
Her brothers were named Jonathan & Micheal, and she did have a sister that died in another car accident, but her name was Maggie, and those were her only siblings