I guess I could update. . .

June 22 2006

Telling somebody how you feel about them face to face is a lot scarier than saying it through a text/instant message, but I've found it to be so much more satisfying.

. . .and that's all I've got to say about that.

Still unemployed. While I've been keeping a steady amount of money coming, it would be very nice to have a stable job so I would know how much money I'd be bringing in on a regular basis.

I am almost through painting my new room. Think of what a frappucino looks like, and you've got the color. I'll be using various tones of green, blue, and possibly yellow as accents. I'm looking forward to moving out there.

Life's good. Thanks be to God for that.


June 22 2006
Let me know if you want to hang out sometime. I feel like I haven't seen you in a while.


June 22 2006
No way, really?


June 22 2006
I have a haircut appointment at 10:30 but I'm avaliable after that...

Stephanie Renfroe

June 23 2006
Wait, what?? Is our cardio-dancing room gonna be your bedroom?! That's awesome! And you know, if you need someone to ride to Wal-Mart with you to find random stuff to decorate it with, I'm there.

Stephanie Renfroe

June 24 2006
awww! I miss the good ole days too! You know, driving around trying to find something to do all summer in a car with no air conditioning! Those were good times!