*explosion of fireworks*

July 04 2005

photo from BeautyFromPain

Happy 4th of July!!!

Last night was fun. Homemade ice cream, fireworks, and good conversations were definitely enjoyed :) However, lol, when I was standing in Graham's front yard with him and Aimee before we left, I dropped my car key, and we couldn't find it. Thankfully, I had an extra.


He found the key, yay. After I wrote all of the above, I went Aimee's to lay out, and when Graham showed up, we swam awhile. Went back home, got cleaned up, met back at G's, and we went to MTSU to watch the fireworks.


July 04 2005
Brian concerns me... anyhow, last night was fun! I hope Graham can find your other car key!

Sam-Graham Jinn (Graham Wells)

July 04 2005
I found it