How Addictive. . .

June 03 2005
Powers and I were talking about how excited we were to get back on this thing once we left Kaylei's. . .

In other news, I'm in need of a job. Right now, being a counselor at Girl Scout camp is looking REALLY good: I could have off for Impact, and it's about $175 a week. However, I would have to leave very soon, and I wouldn't be back until the end of July. . . so I probably won't take it. But it's nice to think about.

I'm supposed to be getting my computer soon. I hope so; I want to start loading pictures on it, and getting things set up just for me. Woot.

the brian king kenobi

June 03 2005
holy cow you're hott . . . will you marry me?

Amy Powers

June 03 2005
Addicting indeed.