I'm running out of entry titles. . .

December 01 2005

Funny ((and true)) story time: In biology ((which begins at 8:00)), Dr. Johnson was teaching, and she looked at the clock on her desk. "9:13?? My goodness, we need to end soon." This seemed odd to me, because I knew there was no way in heck we'd been in there an hour and a half. I ((along with about half the class apparently)) nonchalantly pulled my cell phone out of my purse and looked at the time. . . it read 8:37. Graham and I kind of glanced at each other with "Is she serious?" looks, and kept quiet. . . as did the rest of the class. Ten minutes later, Dr. Jonhson dismissed us. It was 8:50. Mwahaha, how splendid. That made my day.

Let's see. . . I've taken a biology test, biology lab final, and an algebra test this week. I passed the bio test, lol. . . pretty sure I'll probably pull a C for the semester. I've been expecting that. I don't know what I got on the lab, but it hopefully wasn't terrible. I'm pleased to say that I was rather prepared for today's algebra test; maybe my grade won't be so bad after all.

Brian's party is tomorrow night. . . Heck yeah for hanging out with friends.