A Different Subject. . .

November 14 2005
It's not that I dislike RFC; I have enjoyed myself whenever I've been to the devos, and I had fun on the retreat. The people are really nice. . . so why do I feel so out of place when I'm there? Maybe it's not a good reason, but I think I'd be adapting much more quickly if I had a friend there with me. Savannah and I were talking about it the other day, and she said it was annoying to go to a place to worship and get to know other people, then all of a sudden have guys hit on you. It's true. I love my guy friends. I love meeting new guys. But it's uncomfortable for me to have guys I hardly know suddenly ask for my number and constantly hang around me. I don't know. It's hard. It took me awhile to adapt to the youth group, so I'm hoping that I'll soon get over whatever it is and just enjoy myself at RFC.


November 14 2005
Yeah, I can imagine how hard it would be to adjust to a place where you have no close friends and guys are hitting on you... I hope it gets better. Maybe some of us can go with you one night.


November 14 2005
Wow, guys hitting on you! Sometimes a good thing, but not when you are in church!

Christopher Davis

November 14 2005
Yeah... There's a time and a place for that. And it sure as heck ain't during anything church-related. It just doesn't work. Just politely say no thanks and/or maybe later and move on with things. If it gets down to it, I can act as a bodyguard-type figure for ya...or something... o_O

Laura Polis

November 14 2005
don't worry, I'll come back and all will be well