Now that my pictures are loaded. . . .

October 30 2005

So, this weekend was pretty cool. After work Friday, I went to my cousin's 13th birthday celebration. . .

Then I had to work from 8:00-5:30 Saturday. Agh. But I did have a nice feast from Wendy's: a double stack with cheese, chicken nuggets, french fries, and a coke. Oh yes, I was hungry. After work, I decided to go to this farm in the middle of nowhere with RFC for a bonfire/hayride, only I was too late for the hayride, lol.

Today, Chelsey and I went to the Titan's game

The refs made horrible calls, and the players weren't doing too great, but it was a pretty exciting game anyway. Especially that 70 yard touch down. . . that was called bad.

And of course, I had to take some other shots as well:

Halloween tomorrow.