
October 26 2005

so yeah school= blah!

i cannot wait till friday. yes, that's right...VUMUN!

oh yeah.

spanish is killing me and so is english. i get lazier by the minute.

i am supposed to be doing research right now.

darn venezuela.


October 26 2005



October 26 2005

so nathan said he has a big announcement, wonder what it could be.

there are sirens outside, it's crazy. we have the window open, it's hot in the dorms. my brothers warned me this would happen and it did. they turned off our a/c, even though we have our own thermostats, and then turned on the heat and we cant control that. it's crazy.

math aint going to good right not, but everything else is lookin ok.

i got another letter today, i love getting letters. i mailed out two. maybe i'll mail out some more before tonight is over. i'm putting off doing my homework, but i'll start here soon.



October 26 2005
why does almost every day of my life suck now?


got my school pictures today...haha...what a joke!!

Is This Thing On?...

October 26 2005
I am off to Gallery Church Bible study...

BIG announcement coming later tonight... hmmm...



October 26 2005

             hey yall!! today went pretty good besides the fact that i was tired all day!! oh and the fact that everyone was hatin on me in 5th period today!! lol i hate seein people sad or upset.. now i know how people felt, they always hated seein me upset. well i am gonna make people feel good about themselves when they are down. im gonna start bein a happy person and not so....morbid?? lol but i love every single one of yall so just remember that!! have a great day!! much love!!


oh.. look at this picture one of my best friends drew me!! isnt it pretty?!

normal day

October 26 2005

today was just normal....and good

1st nomarl boring!!!!!

2nd sucks and it's also boring

3rd is ok...went over test which i made a higher great on my test

4th is a gay basterd place which i hate going to it

5th was boring today..... cuz my friend wasnt there to joke around with

afterwards: went to yaws.... showed my art work^_^ yay!!!  then hung out untill justin wanted to go so yeah

well i am here now right writing this so yeah well i am out sooo later


i feel really stupid

October 26 2005

don't you hate it... when you meet some person, and like... you say too much? not necessarily too much information, but like... too many words. or messages or comments or whatever. and then they're freaked out or whatever and won't talk to you... and you want to apologize, but that would just make it worse, so you just have to sit there and wait for them to come around. doesn't that suck?

yeah. it does.

maybe i'll just never start a conversation with anyone ever again. then i'll know who actually wants to talk to me.

eh... that might work, but that's a pretty stupid way to live.

yeah. it is. and now i sound really emo and lame.

what can you do?

Goodbye Phone Phobia...

October 26 2005
I have talked to the following people on the phone today about my mom's successful surgery:
~2 different doctors
~A woman in my parent's Sunday school class
~Two of my aunts
~My other aunt and uncle's answering machine
~My Papaw and Mamaw
~And finally mom
And I still have to call my grandma and one of my mom's co-workers...


October 26 2005

Yeah so today was cool I worked last night so I was kinda tired today but it was ok... I have church tonight and I can't wait its gonna be awesome!!! So I can't wait till friday night because we play blackman and we are gonna whoop the crap out of them YEAH! lol ok well I hope everyone has a great night

                                                      IN CHRIST john

A true friend

October 26 2005

To all whom read this post,

I am priveledged to call Mr. Jonathan Sharp as my friend. Many of you don't know him, but he is an incredible man of God and a true friend. I am thankful to be surrounded by such friends whether they be here in the 'boro (such as my great roomates Hodge, Adam, and Justin), Chatt-town (like my earthly father Ken Martin, Kyle, and Sharpie), or China (the likes of whose names I will not post). I truely count myself blessed by my ever-loving eternal Father.


21 years ago God's long time thought breathed his first breath in this sin-struck world. God made him just as He had planned and raised little Jeff up to proclaim the fame of His Son, by whom all things have come into existence. God gave Jeff the gift of teaching, that He might reveal to those around him what God has freely given us. For those of you that don't know this is a MAN whose first love is Jesus Christ the Savior of the world, the Creator and Sustainer of life. He is a man with a passion for God's will and stops at nothing to accomplish it. Though he may be sinful, he is among the redeemed and righteous in the sight of our Almighty God. He's a son, he's a brother, he's an uncle, he's a friend, he's a soldier, he's a warrior, he's a servant, he's a speaker, he's a martial artist, he's a guitar playing nut, he's many things but most importantly he's a man after God's own heart. Ladies and gentleman, tip your hat to Mr. Jeff Martin. Happy 21st birthday. May God continue to bless you and train you for what is to come. You are covered by the blood of His Son, and therefore with you He is well pleased. I love you and will go to war with you. It is my pleasure to call you a brother. -Sharpie


October 26 2005


I was at church camp and there was a really bad storm.

Eventually we lost power and most of my friends went scrambling for our flashlights.

My best friend at camp (sadly), shouted,

"Oh no! Since we don't have electricity our flashlights won't work!"

It took awhile, but we managed to explain to him that flashlights run on batteries.

I'm still not sure he gets it, but someday he'll understand.

I'm feeling Hot Hot Hot!!

October 26 2005

Only one of the best weekends ever!!!  I miss everyone sooo much...except for Julie...since she does live in the same room as me!  But I still love her!!

It's like a sauna in our room!  They decided they needed to turn the heat on!  We have our room on 55 and Julie and me both have our fans on like full blast and the window is open and it is still hot!

Learned a new card game...Dutch Blitz...I suck at it...alot!

Hopefully there is going to be some movie renting going on tonight!  Woot Woot!

Working all weekend...but it'll be worth it next week!  No work at all!!!  I don't know why I'm not scheduled but I'm not!  And I'm not complaining!  So I will be home the weekend of the 5th...call me we'll be friends!

Juanita and Sergio are still living...which is amazing b/c I forget to feed them sometimes...opps!

Too much school work goin' on lately...I don't know what's happening!

Well I guess that's it!



October 26 2005
so when i came back from working today there was a lovely little sign on the door...and it said WE HAVE HEAT!!!! do you have any idea how exxcited i am?!?!  yeah, so we arent freezing anymore!!!  i dont have to wear my winter coat inside anymore!!!  and i have to go to class in 6 minutes...poo!  

something to strive for

October 26 2005
i was reading an article on relevant's website and i really really loved it so i wanted to share it:

Faith like a 4 month old
by: Drew Moser

The last thing I was looking for was something "that would preach,” as they say in this weird American form of church ministry. Pastors often look for the obscure sermon illustrations that fill them with covetous joy, as they exclaim, “that’ll preach.” I’ve heard enough sermons on plumb lines: the course of the ship, the journey of life, lessons from Lord of the Rings and Nehemiah campaigns to build new “churches.”

 So when you read the byline and see that I’m a pastor, don’t think less of me for using my son, Ben, as an illustration. He used me as an illustration on how to love. Don’t misunderstand: my son is no wunderkind. Maybe he is, but we haven’t discovered it yet. He’s your typical 4-month-old boy, and my wife and I are loving life with him.

 What’s amazing about Ben is his love for people. He’s but an infant, yet he already longs to connect eye to eye with everyone who passes by. Just the other day, Bekah and I were at a college football game. Ben was a little excited (to say the least) at the feast of visual stimulation that surrounded him. Inside and outside the stadium, Ben’s sole purpose for existence was to catch someone’s eye and give them the biggest grin he could muster. As soon as he saw a person strolling our way, his eyes locked like a laser beam on their head. He was resolute, and with baited breath he’d wait for the other’s gaze to meet his. As soon as they did, it was like long lost friends reuniting. We’re talking more than just a smile—Ben’s entire face would beam pure, uninhibited joy just at enjoying another’s presence.

 I’ve read articles on how babies respond to beauty. The prettier the face, the greater the response from the baby—that’s generally the conclusion drawn from such experiments. My son isn’t representative of a normal baby’s response, because that day (and every other day), he showed no prejudice, no favor to those our world would deem beautiful, successful, intelligent or popular. His common denominator for sharing his joy was humanity. I’m guessing that the pure innocence of a 4-month-old doesn’t discriminate by the world’s standards in spite of such studies. I have to hope that we haven’t corrupted them this early.

 As I continued to watch my son captivate the presence of complete strangers, I was struck by how inept I am at dealing with people. My son, without language, can captivate people with joy. I never do that. Mike Mason, in his book Practicing the Presence of People writes, “To love people is to enjoy them truly, warts and all.”

 All I see, and all humanity typically sees, is just warts.

 I’ve tried to adopt my son’s behavior toward others. I spent an afternoon smiling the biggest, most genuine smile I could muster at everyone I passed on the street. I’ve never received so many strange and disgusted looks in my life. People reacted as if I were violated their personal space by smiling so uninhibitedly at them. I’ve thought long and hard on why this is, and I think it’s because such a smile that radiates such joy doesn’t merely invade personal space. It stares into the soul where light and darkness, hope and despair, community and loneliness all collide in a battle for you, me and everyone else on this earth. A baby can get away with such an offense, but not a 26-year-old man. My son is bringing the love of Jesus, a momentary glimpse into the kingdom of heaven, into the lives of strangers everywhere. As Mason writes, “Isn’t the kingdom of heaven a gentle invasion of personal space?”

 Maybe, just maybe, this sort of invasion is what Jesus was getting at when He said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these" (Matthew 19:14, TNIV). You see, Ben gets it. He truly enjoys people—all people. And he’s not afraid to show it.

 I look at Ben, and I see pure joy, joy that isn’t tarnished by greed, selfishness, oppression or hate. I see Jesus in Ben, and every other infant who, like Ben, smiles at me for no reason other than I am human.

 Some may chalk Ben’s smiles up to his naiveté of how people really are. Sure, that may be there. But I chalk it up to the image of God stamped upon his soul (that same image stamped upon you and me) being unhindered by our sinful nature. Is Ben without sin? Of course not. His sinful nature is there, just like it is in you and me. But the difference between Ben and me is that he doesn’t let his sinful nature build up barriers between himself and others. I do, and I’m guessing most adults do too.

 Loving people for nothing else other than the fact that they are human ... now that’ll preach.

i think that is what we are all called to. to get past yourself and really enjoy other people. that'll show them how much God loves them. especially in this crazy wonderful place of new york city. people just want to be loved and that's what God put us here for was to show His love, so go do it, wherever you are. (and now i'm done preaching, at least for now)

i hate oil

October 26 2005
is it really bad that i've been putting 10W-30 oil in my car for the past 3 months when the oil cap says 5W-30???   poo.  i have a giant box of the 10 in my trunk... 


October 26 2005

I think it's lame how certain styles just don't work for some people. I want to wear certain types of clothes and I just don't think I could pull it off. That's lame. There should be fashion freedom, where as long as you aren't revealing more than 3/5ths of your skin you ought to be able to wear whatever you want! argh!

And I am loving the new phusebox. I like how there is a trashcan icon for when you want to delete your old posts. :) I love trash.... Uh, oh! I feel a song coming on!

Oh, I love trash!
Anything dirty or dingy or dusty
Anything ragged or rotten or rusty
Yes, I love trash

I have here a sneaker that's tattered and worn
It's all full of holes and the laces are torn
A gift from my mother the day I was born
I love it because it's trash

Oh, I love trash!
Anything dirty or dingy or dusty
Anything ragged or rotten or rusty
Yes, I love trash

I have here some newspaper thirteen months old
I wrapped fish inside it; it's smelly and cold
But I wouldn't trade it for a big pot o' gold!
I love it because it's trash

Oh, I love trash!
Anything dirty or dingy or dusty
Anything ragged or rotten or rusty
Yes, I love trash

I've a clock that won't work
And an old telephone
A broken umbrella, a rusty trombone
And I am delighted to call them my own!
I love them because they're trash

Oh, I love trash!
Anything dirty or dingy or dusty
Anything ragged or rotten or rusty
Yes, I love, I love, I love trash!

olive juice

October 26 2005

remember when it was cool to mouth "olive juice" to people
and it looked like "i love you"?

i was thinking about that today... me and Bruce used to do that to eachother in the 6th grade. :sigh: those were the times.

opie the parakeet died yesterday.

i am sad....


"olive juice"

crossing over...

October 26 2005
This came to mind as I was thinking about a friend of mine who is flirting with the world... It's easier to fake worldly happiness than it is to fight for the real thing. So, what triggers the switch in momentum away from yourself to Jesus? Wish I knew, but I'm guessing that it's part of the God drawing us to Him until He reveals Himself in an unmistakable way, leaving us to reject or fall face down in His presence mystery. So, I'll be on my knees for this nameless "friend" eagerly awaiting the day when he can relish in the freedom that comes from submission to the Lord, that he could never get while loosely living in this world. The chains of emptiness are heavy, but our God's burden is easy and light! Praise Him! Sorry for the run-ons...I write the way I think...that's not neccessarily coherent in the technical composition department...

trying to get a job!

October 26 2005
 well i'm trying to get a job. i'm going to go to the movie theater today! wish me luck!


October 26 2005

So, I'm tired. But life's good. I made an A on my third art test, which brings my average to a 92...so I'm not going to study for the fourth test, which will be my drop grade. Booya.

No Latin America class right now, and no L.A. class this Friday. At some point I just have to watch "The Mission," and answer a few questions. It's cool, it's got De Niro and Jeremy Irons in it...it's got to be good.

Friday is shaping up to be a little larger than I expected....it's cool though. Might take a little more planning, but the more the merrier.

Nate is here visiting until Thursday, so that's cool...haven't had a dose of Nate in a while. Last night we stayed up too late watching the World Series...is anybody else completely surprised by the White Sox??? They are beating the fire out of the Astros, who I thought looked nigh unbeatable after trouncing the Cardinals. Shows y'all what I know.

Oh, and my Braves lost Leo Mazzone...we might not even make the playoffs next year. It's going to be an interesting offseason.



October 26 2005

I'm going to Judgement house tonite! ^^ if you wanna go w/, just call me!

"How much time must pass by,
in this finite existence of ours?
We'll live in the now,
and what will we find?"


I watched some of Ayu's A Museum concert this morning! ^^ awesomeness! lol I ordered her new concert dvd online a few days ago. can't wait to get it! here's a pic of it:


October 26 2005
ha ha...i think i meant passion 06 (hard to attend something that is already over)


October 26 2005

So the concert last night went great. The bass trombone player in the back fell off the riser...it was funny after we knew he was ok. I'm just glad we don't have to play the picnic by the river any more. Yay!

We get our new music tomorrow...I know two of the pieces are March Slave and Harry Potter Suite. Much excitement, both have awesome horn parts.

I've found an Out!

October 26 2005
So, as long as Middle will take me, I am coming home! And getting out of science! God did a number on my heart. Because I am willing to let him control my dreams, I surrendered my plans for whatever He has in mind. And the dream from Marine Science is gone. I think he gave it to me so that I could move out here and find the Deeper group and grow like crazy! For months now I have been feeling the urge to find a place to get involved in ministry, so when the battle over Nate and the death of my grandmother became more than I could do without my family, God gave me permission to go home. Mom is really excited, and I will be looking for an apartment in the fall once I've worked to save enough for rent. But anyhow, that's the plan.

I'm sick...multiple times

October 26 2005
I've got a sore throat, which on its own isn't too horribly bad, but it's annoying because I'm having to take time off from work to recover.

This is bad, because it's using up my time off.  Time off that I was intending to use to come up there and see all of you happy shiny people.  It's a downer.

Yesterday was my dad's birthday, but I seemingly didn't send him a card.  That's okay, because he's going to be on PCB next week and I'm intending on taking him out to dinner next weekend.  i r teh good son lol

To what's your face who replied to my last post, no, I don't know you, but how did you end up on my friends list to begin with?  It's bad enough I don't know you, but it's worse when I can tell by reading your blog that I probably wouldn't want to know you.  Senor Poseur Emo.

i r teh clint

oh boy.

October 26 2005
well guy. my last entry was a couple minutes after becoming really upset, if you didnt tell. then it was followed by a pretty un happy day. i had some good parts. and it seemed as though people actually cared that i wasnt my usual self. so to those people i give them an applaud. but of course this is not why im writing this entry. and if you know me and know what took place last night then youll realize.

3 seconds into the game stevenson and barnaby get into a fight. 3 seconds guys.. there hasnt been a fighting major for the predators all season. and one of the only games i dont watch theres a fight three seconds into it. and i could have been there. barnaby. sucks. the big one. who actually sheath's his stick like a sword. ill admit because im an intelligent hockey fan, that he did in fact beat vokoun on the breakaway. alright i mean you gotta give credit where credit is due, but after seeing him sheath his stick. i wanted to rip his head off. because the goal did nothing. lol i mean they lost 5-3, and the predators are now 8-0. and they are 3-6. so like i said barnaby sucks at life. and stevenson for president in 08. he'd win no doubt. five fighting majors for nashville, and three came from stevenson or says the paper. and sportcenter. and another thing. sportscenter.... first fifteen minutes was basball, understandable, its the world series. what was the next thing up. directly after the world series? well the nashville predators we came on sportscenter at 6:16 i mean 16 minutes after it started. amazing. we play columbus tonight. hopefully the church goes to dinner where they have a tv, and not moes, so i can watch it. and leggy scored. which is good because he needs to if he wants to stay a predator. kariya scored. sullivan scored shorthanded none the less, erat scored. stevenson whipped the crap out of barnaby. and got kicked out. so i leave you now with this over-used, but definitely effective line..



October 26 2005
I'm in love with words.....and I don't care who knows it.

the other end of the telephone

October 25 2005
I called the Cingular 800 number today to request a new SIM card because my phone was stolen.

The lady couldn't do anything for me, she had to transfer me to the Sales Department.

Well I get transferred over to some random sales department and the guy on the other end asks me where I live for the purpose trying to get me a  new card. I tell him Orlando, and then He asks for my mobile number. I start to give him my number "615" and he stops me in order to inform me that that's a Nashville area code. I told him that's where I was from, but am in Orlando for the semester. yada yada.

turns out that the random sales center I  was transferred to was in Antioch, TN and the sales rep I talked to recently graduated from MTSU. . .

talk about wierd. . .but he was very helpful in assisting me in beating cingular at their own game.


October 25 2005
I absolutely LOVE this song!!!

I'm waitin' on the sun to set cause yesterday aint over yet
I started smoking cigaretts there's nothing else to do I guess

Dusty roads aint made for walking, spinning tires aint made for stoppin'
I'm giving up on love cause love's given up on me

I gave it everything I had and everything I got was bad
Life aint hard but it's too long to live it like some country song
Trade the truth in for a lie, cheating really aint a crime
I'm giving up on love cause love's given up on me
Forget you high society, I'm soakin' it in Kereosne
Light 'em up and watch them burn,
Teach them what they need to learn HA!
Dirty hands aint made for shakin', aint a rule that aint worth breakin'
Well I'm giving up on love cause love's given up on me

Now I don't hate the one who left
You can't hate someone who's dead
He's out there holding on to someone, I'm holding up my smoking gun
I'll find somewhere to lay my blame the day she changes her last name
Well I'm giving up on love cause love's given up on me
Well I'm giving up on love HEY love's given up on me

Long Week

October 25 2005
This week has been long so far.. two days down.. three more to go. Tonight at our staff meeting we went around and reported how often we see everyone and I must say, I did very well. Out of the 9 of us, I see pretty much everyone all the time. I'm just one of those people who has to be around people.. I'm an extravert.

So, tomorrow I have two classes and then it's duty night with major studying for my test. Oh joy. Oh and I have to clear up some stuff with a guy I work with. That shall be interesting.

the uncertainties of the future

October 25 2005
honestly, i don't think i have ever been this uncertain, confused, frustrated, clueless, etc.... about the rest of my life ever. i have no idea right now where my future is headed, and it's scary! i know that God has it all figured out for me already and that is AWESOME but i don't know where to take my next step! please say a prayer for me if you think about it.... everything is so foggy right now when it comes to even a month from now. thanks guys. God bless. 


October 25 2005




October 25 2005

The Ballad of the Shape of Things

Rectangular is the hotel door my true love tried to sneak through
Rectangular is the transom hole by which I had to peek through,
Rectangular is the hotel room I entered angrily, and
Rectangular is the wooden box
Where lies my love neath the golden phlox
They say he died of the chicken pox
In part I must agree
One chick too many had he
Triangular is the piece of pie I eat to ease my sorrow
Triangular is the hatchet blade I plan to hide tomorrow
Triangular the relationship which now has ceased to be
And triangular is the garment thin
That fastens on with a safety pin
To a prize I had no wish to win
It's a lasting memory
That my true love gave to me


October 25 2005

Let's see...

I thought that I should probably update this thing. Granted, I don't really have anything too incredibly interesting to say.

This past weekend rocked my proverbial world though. I went back down to LC for Homecoming weekend. I got to see my favorite people. I stayed in Ash, KT, Amy, and Rebecca's apartment. I saw the play, watched...then was yelled at to get in the float...so participated in the parade, went to the AOII cookout, went to the Kappa Sigma house (lol---w-o-w), Sunday brunch, etc. It was GREAT fun.

This week is so long though. Tomorrow I have class until 3 then work until 5. I always hate getting back here so late. I did wash clothes today though, so that was productive.

Anyway, I am really excited to get some Johnny Carino's for lunch this weekend when go to my dad's house.

That's pretty much all that's going on. Class, Homework, Work, Repeat.

a funny thing happened on the way to the forum...

October 25 2005
ok so it wasn't exactly on the way to the forum, but something funny did happen tonight! sadly, i cannot tell what :D lets just say a little slip up was made in the car tonight and some top secret information was shared...hehe!

Oh No! Not again!

October 25 2005
Some wacko dressed up like Napoleon Dynamite and went on the announcements today, proving that our school has no dignity what so ever.

If Flowers Had Voices

October 25 2005

Hey guys!   Well I was watching the movie Dead Poet's Society and was really inspired.  So I wrote something new!  I hope you guys enjoy it.  Peace!


If flowers had voices,
They could only speak beauty,
For that is their nature,
That is their way...
Bleeding from their pedals,
The aroma of sweetness,
That standing smell of love and beauty,
Formed together by clouds of mystery..
All to become elements of my imagination,
And dreams..


tricky ninja traps

October 25 2005
Jonesin' for a Jones right now.I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico.Not Really.Where have I been ?Around.I assure you I'm still here.Somewhere.You're going to have to look for me if you want to find me.I'm not going to just FALL INTO YOUR LAP.current mood: focused on Godcurrent music: david crowder - "heaven came down"

Gods timing

October 25 2005

soo im posting again shoot me....

have learned soo much on Gods timing these past couple days! in sunday school and then tonight at JGroup!! i guess God really wants me to listen to it!!!  its crazy!!! i always seem to want it my way when it comes to my life but God really has shown me...that we need to do it together and everything will turn out according to his plan!!! yup yup!!!

Love Through Christ!

Corn, anyone?

October 25 2005

About four hours ago, I discovered that my computer came with Windows Movie Maker. Complete with editing. . . yes, Amy Powers, you read right. My freaking computer has what we'd need to make short ((and very amateur)) movies.

. . . now all we need is a video camera, lol.

I've got a biology test Thursday and a test in understanding mass media. . . how glorious. I've studied this bio pretty thoroughly, but I'm afraid it won't matter. Dangit.


October 25 2005

it's cold outside. and i like it.

i'm all stuffy and my throat hurts and i keep coughing.

i love you.


October 25 2005
i have a lot on my mind, and a lot to say, but i'm gonna take a rain check on typing it all out...

my life = lkasjdf;lkasjdf;lksfalskdhlskdha;skldhg;lsadjfa;lsdjf

and i don't know what to do with it....

So together...yet so broken up inside...

October 25 2005
So I've decided that I hate Physical Science and the man who teaches it can go throw himself off a mountain! Ahh we just had a test on friday and mind you this is a MWF class we have a test TOMORROW do I need to repeat we have one TOMORROW we only went to class once since Friday and we "covered" chapters 11,12 and 13 through section 3! AHH College is awful....hmm oh well. On to other things this weekend was ok. Derek's b-day dinner was good had an unexpexted guest which through me for a minute but w/e things happen. Then after that I went and saw "my boy" lol at Fat Willies then went home for like 30min when Sarah called and went to the imfamous Steak and Shake where Robert, Cody,Lauren, Sarah, and Nate were there. That was really fun and GREAT conversation, let me tel ya it was awesome!! Then got home round 2ish and hit the bed.. I was pooped.... They tried to call me into work on Sunday and I was like nope not goin to I stayed in my pjs and in my bed ALL day...it was nice I miss doing that. I've also come to releaze that I let peoples opinons on things way to much on my desicion making..and I dont need to do that anymore, I think thats why Im so unhappy is because I do things bc thats what most(not everyone) want me to do or think thats "whats best for me" well not anymore Im goin to make my desicions based on what I think is best for me not anyone else...thats how I got soooo screwed in the firstplace, I let everyone tell me why I needed to and not listen to my heart which was telling me not to....hmm life sucks sometimes but  gotta take the good with the bad....Well I need to study but just can't get myself to concentrate which STINKS because I really need to study this I feel like Im failing all my classes..hmm sometimes I wish I was back in highschool things were soo much easier and structured.. but have to press on cant look towards the rear but ahead into the vast open road ahead of me..Hmm I really feel like this is long and pointless so thanks to whoever reads it all which I know will only be Rachel lol she always reads my stuff I love ya girl I dont know what I would have done without you these past few months(ha except for introducing me to him lol what a jerk...oh well haha) Well most study...Mucho Love!

Because of you I never strayed to far from the sidewalk.....Because of you I find it hard to trust not only me but everyone around me...Because of you I'm afraid...

I am so happy!!

October 25 2005
This is so weird....I haven't been this happy in a long time!! I met this awesome guy and yeah....so I guess you could say we are "talking"...he is soooo amazing!! I hope everything works out with us...hopefully I won't freak myself out!! I can't stop smiling!! Sigh


October 25 2005

wow this is my first entry......how interesting...leave me remarks....luv to all.

<3 Lizz


October 25 2005

That was to get your attention, but I did in a way

I played football - tackle - with my friend Matt, some eight year olds, and two eleven year olds

I kicked butt

Nobody could get me down, except Matt

I think that the rest of the day wasn't that great...


Hilarious thing happened -

My Grandmother is getting rid of her car.

She doesnt like driving, and doesnt think she needs to really

She said that I could have it

It is a 1987 Dodge Dart...


lol, I think I'll just try to get a car from my parents

 L@T@ H@T@$!

- J4(()8


October 25 2005
why am i updating this?... well it appears my last entry was titled mmm as well so...w/e night. ~Alex

I'm Just THAT Good...

October 25 2005
Me: "I made a 12 out of 10 on my theatre project!"
Garrett: "Well that's good... and mathematically impossible."

I love chocolate again....

October 25 2005

So yea, not a very big chocolate person. Although I can destroy white chocolate and recees like nobody's business. But Target has this new line of chocolate called choxie. It is the best chocolate I have ever had in my entire life. I got the white bark peppermint shortbreat bite things. They're bliss. Really, I almost orgasm when I eat it. And the commercials...all the trendy women and vivid visual effects. Its great and it has my approval.

Yea, too busy to write, but I will say that Marie and I ventured out to buy items for my Halloween party. It was fun. Marie acted like she was on heroine half the time though. We danced all through Party City. We couldn't help it, the music was just a bit too catchy to handle.


October 25 2005

ya know what's really cool that happened to me tonite?? AMDA (American Music and Drama Academy) called me asked me to sign up to audition but i told them it'd be a couple of years before i could go there... -_- sadnes... but at least they called...

"As I don't even notice the flowers shaking before my feet,
I can't even look at myself in the mirror."



October 25 2005

Well...where do I begin? Normally, you start at the beginning but that'd take too long so Ima start about right here:

Well, Last Thursday and Friday was FALL BREAK! Fun times right there. GiRLS POKER NiGHT Thursday night and guess who won?! I DiD!!! That's right. I broke Mich's streak. POKET ACESSS!! haha. Then Friday I left for Windy Gap!! That was fun. It was terribly cold though, but all in all it was definatley a good trip.

This week, it hasn't been all that exciting. Yesterday the only thing worth talking about was LAGUNA BEACH!! Man, I love that show. Sometimes I think that's the only reason I get up on Mondays. And yes...Jessica is my favorite! Got somethen to say?! lol. jk. But yes, she definatley is. And then today, I was in a really bad mood. I was sooo mean. I apologize if I told you I hated you today. Well...I apologize to most everyone I told I hated them...

Tomorrow no school until 9!!! YESSS. I'm basically stoked. That means Stephanie and Ashton quality BFF time! aka My favorite time of the week! lol.

That's all for now...Here's a little quote that explains part of the reason I'm in such a cranky mood:  

So don't worry about me. It's not like I think about you constantly. So maybe I do, but that shouldn't affect your life anymore.

Here is a question...

October 25 2005
Would you rather have an unfaithful man or women that treats you like a queen/king 


A faithful man or women that treats you like crap?

Just curious, I had to answer this today in class.

Where is your boy tonight I hope he is a gentleman&hearts;

October 25 2005
I'm hanging out with my Chelsey Bear tomorrow.
Friday I am leaving early, because I have those skills.
Saturday I"m going to Kayla's Grandparents,
and then Sunday battle of the bands.
Monday is Halloween!!
Can't wait.
It's possibly my favorite holiday.
Life is swell as of right now.
I still have a few people who hate me,
but I guess yah have to deal with that sometimes,
especially with those silly girls.
I'm apperently a studd muffin here lately,
Don't know where that came from,
but hey, i'll take it.
Orthodontist tomorrow,
and as stated above,
I get to see my Chelsey!
Fun stuff.
I'm never gonna get a full week of school in.
I have had a half day/field trip/school function
every week minus the first week of school.
So yeah, that's pretty sweet.
I'm going to disneyworld sometime soon,
and then hopefully Cali when we get
our tickets, we can fly anywhere,
so that's pretty sweet.
Okay enough of the random.
Keep it Greazy
Fo' Sheezie.

What do you do when your printer decides
that it doesn't want to work when you have
to print out the speech you've been working on
for 3hours. ahh, technology.

I'm that talented.
[i know you're jealous]

get over yourselves...saith the Lord

October 25 2005

In so many words, the whole of the beautiful story that is the Holy Bible, is that God is ultimate, gorgeous, worthy of all adoration...AND that we are entirely too wrapped up in ourselves to notice His majesty the majority of the time.  Humility...a word that has been dilluted and mutated throughout the modernization of mankind, finds its ultimate root in the truth that everything is NOT about us.  In our society, we perceive humility to mean making less of yourself.  Lowering, shadowing, dimming the glow of your own essence in order to not be deemed PROUD.  Yet, even this definition, however incorrect, of humility is nearly extinct in practice, because PRIDE is not a terrible thing in our world, but rather something to be...um...proud of.  If you are prideful, you must have reason to be, right?  Therefore, there must be something to boast of that justifies being proud.  You're just calling a spade a spade and relishing in what YOU'VE done for YOU, by YOURSELF, of YOURSELF...etc, etc.  Pride is something that people aspire to, not something they despise.  But, guess what?!  We are to despise pride, recognize it as the consuming virus that it is, and fight against it by turning our lense to gaze apon the beautiful and righteous Yahweh God that we should be joyfully serving, just because He IS.  This infection of pride has no human cure, you cannot rid yourself of it, no prescription of discipline can purge it from your system, and unlike some viruses, it doesn't even run its course and leave you.  It latches on and breaks down your vision of Holy God as the first and only thing to boast of.  It tells you that YOUR story is more precious and interesting than His, and it wraps you up in the unfolding of YOUR narrative so that you miss the beautiful fullfilment of His.  Biblical humility is recognizing that God Almighty, and His working in this world of fallen men over the course of time, is the epitomy of beauty, intrigue, excitement, justice, and truth.  Biblical humility is closing the ever-unfolding pages of your vain ME tale every day, to open and indulge in HIM all day and all night.  It isn't natural to do this.  In fact, its awkward to "set yourself" to this initiative...and to do it just because you want more of Him, in closer proximity, with mounting intensity every second that He sustains your breath of life.  But, as Uzziah did in 2 Chronicles, you must seek instruction in the fear of the Lord, recognize Him above all things, set yourself to seeking Him, and make everything all about Him just because He is who He is at all times, forever and ever AMEN.  Before you end up strong, realize it, think it's of yourself, and earn a humbling by the hand of the Lord...which was leprosy in Uzziah's case.  ~ Lori Michelle 10/25/05

{Lest I rocket into pride by journalling this broadcast to anyone but myself, who needs it far more than I could blog in the limits of this virtual space, I apologize for the soap box...but I was hit over the head by a strong voice of the Lord through the speaker at our Tuesday night worship service tonight, and just had to release before I imploded...}


October 25 2005

Well, I must admit that I have a really great...ok, sometimes crazy friends.  I have been so incredibly blessed by them.  It has been so amazing to see God bring so many different people to Fusion.  Each one in some way or another has been such an encouragement to me, taught me so much, strengthened me in my walk, loved me even in the rough times, and made me laugh when I didn't really feel like laughing.  I love that Fusion is made up of such an ecclectic group of young people, but so godly examples of Christ.  No one has ever played Christianity.  They are real.  They pursue God relentlessly.  They pray relentlessly.  They hold me up.  In so many ways, they have blessed me immensely.  Thank you God for such friends as these!


October 25 2005

So did the Andy Milanokis show get canceled of did my nightmare of him dieing come true?

So Basically...

October 25 2005
I love my life... everthing about it... its just amazing im gettin yet another new phone by the end of the week... Cingular sucks... so im gettin T-mobile... dont know the number... obviously... but ill keep you updated.. i have ISS tomorrow and thursday... o well went off on El Senior Tomlinson today... fun times... fun times... my friends are estatic i like a girl she likes me and yes... i am going to ask her out... soon so yeh... i think im gonna go live my life... i love it... so dearly... envy me....

ohh , just another blog

October 25 2005

hm.. been called a whore alot recently. which is funny but.. i can actually understand why. i mean.. im alot more.. ____ [idk how to  say it .. confident? outgoing? stupid?] with guys now. the other day i went up to a dude and said "hey, whats your name, youre hot" and i would have died doing that a couple of years ago.

hm dont have anything else to say

love. sayRuh!*

                    ^nickname.. its just people say my name wrong

Exhibit 1: Here We See the Fomention of a Headache.

October 25 2005

You ever tried to be really open-minded about close-minded issues, because you've been close-minded in your world of open-minded issues??

And if the above even made sense to you (heck, I'm having trouble understanding it).... Isn't it all relative anyway????

Woohoo, Kelly needs to stop thinking so much.
That, or she needs to start thinking more.

Relativity, relativity.... Gahh.

That summer philosophy class isn't helping one bit, either.  In fact, it stirs up some rather unwanted confusion.  "What if we're BOTH??"  "We could just be brains in vats!"  "It's like the Matrix!"  "But Kant would still disagree with you."  "But it's the lesser of two evils!"  "But Kant would still disagree with you!"  "Gahhhh!!"  ((Personally, I think Kant is a moron, if I'm remembering philosophers correctly.  What a crock that some people are remembered eternally because they sat around and thought.  We should all be so lucky.))

/.Edit./  Yeah, okay, so I love my friends dearly.  Yup, each and every one in millions of intangible ways.  So when someone starts spreading rumours about them, you can bet that I'm going to be Furious.  Livid.  Rabid.  Like Lady Macbeth on crack and heroin all at once.  So to whomever is doing this, watch out.  I'm looking for you.  And I can guarantee you won't see me first.  /.End edit./


October 25 2005

these past couple of days have been pretty cool. lunch with the mayor yesterday. supper with jessica and whitney, then basketball.

anthropology was pretty interesting today. i enjoyed it. and english wasnt pressing like usual. i still dont understand the journal thing. i dont know if she wants them or not.

i'm loving this weather, it's awesome. it's going to be freezing at the game this weekend, oh well. i was hoping to go to ripleys haunted house in gatlinburg monday, but i have a chme tes on tuesday, so i kinda doubt i'll be doing that.

"run for it... runnins what you do when the plan fails. Valentine, your not even trying to think of a plan."


cant add or walk...

October 25 2005

last night i didnt make it to intercession but its okay!!! i was sitting in my nice warm bed listening to my IPOD and it was on random and every song that i listened to until i was about to fall asleep taught me something!!! which was amazing!!!

so today was very crazy!
i had a test today in math and of course i miss tha easiest question -10+3=13 true or false...and i put true!!! o well!!! mrs fisher is gonna think im mental!!
i tripped a total of 4 times on random places on campus!!! never tha same place!!! lol!!! jamie was rollin!!!

got JGROUP tonight not gonna be able to stay tha whole time b/c i have a test tomorrow and i havent even looked at tha review o well!!! i think ill do good!

well im stting here filling out my campus housing forms...yup thats right im living on campus...okay i know im crazy!!!! now i just have to find a roommate..im scared of just them choosing someone!!! ahhhh!!! i dunno!

well im off!
have a wonderful rest of tha week!!

Love Through Christ!


October 25 2005

four years as bestfriends. I definately love this girl < 3

where have i been?

October 25 2005

it seems i have been gone for about 48 years or so...here i am again on phusebox. life has been very busy, but good. the tasn convention went really well, and i am no longer on that board! i have 1 more clinical rotation this semester then i'm finished until after christmas break (yipee).

looking forward to passion '05 in nashvegas over christmas break. a group from the gathering is going, and i'm so excited!!!! speaking of church...my internship is going well.


i guess that's about all. learning not to depend on people or things but GOD only! that lesson isn't always fun or easy but what lesson worth learning is!

i have a test tomorrow so i will go study now!

Rosa Parks

October 25 2005
Well guys if you haven't heard already...Rosa Parks died. That is quite sad. But to be honest with you, I didn't know she was still alive. I was surfing the internet in 4th period today and saw an add on comcast.net that she had died. So the next time you say "Rosa Parks!" when you are saving a seat, you can do it not only to claim your seat but also in remembrance of the role model Rosa Parks.

oh pow wow.

October 25 2005

I think kicking you in the face would be fun.

the most random stupid day

October 25 2005

ok today was sooo random... i mean as things could had been better and worse.... start off my day my bed fall in... then got to school look like a dumd ass and huddling together w/ my friends... but all good then 1st sucked...2nd sucked...3rd was good.........yeah made an 84 on the test which i was happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4th was a basterd...what i mean by that it sucks!!!!! 5th was funny as anything...random shit in  there...lol 6th was different.. and i amitted that i love my brother...lol yeah got home didnt feel like doing swing tonight.... so yeah got home dog went throw my trash can>.< then my bed screws up even more... yeah well thats all soo later


I'm bored...

October 25 2005
School started back and i'm really trying to be positive but it's been really boring so far...most of the school is gone and yes we are doing some work in a few classes but it's mostly alot of sitting in a desk and staring at the wall.(ok i'm not complaining about not doing work i just think they should give us the week off.)


October 25 2005

Unfailing Love

by Chris Tomlin

album: Arriving (2004)

You have my heart
And I am Yours forever
You are my strength
God of grace and power

And everything You hold in Your hand
Still You make time for me
I can’t understand
Praise You God of Earth and sky
How beautiful is Your unfailing love
Unfailing love

And You never change God You remain
The Holy One
My unfailing love
Unfailing love

You are my rock
The one I hold on to
You are my song
And I sing for You

And everything You hold in Your hand
Still You make time for me
I can’t understand
Praise You God of Earth and sky
How beautiful is Your unfailing love
Unfailing love

And You never change God You remain
The Holy One
My Unfailing love
Unfailing love

And everything You hold in Your hand
Still you make time for me
I can’t understand
Praise You God of Earth and sky
How beautiful is Your unfailing love
Unfailing love

And You never change God You remain
The Holy One
My Unfailing love
Unfailing love

I will praise You
Praise you God of earth and sky
How beautiful is your unfailing love
Unfailing love

And You never change God You remain
The Holy One
My Unfailing love

Unfailing love
Unfailing love
Unfailing love
Unfailing love
Unfailing love

The Barbarian Way

October 25 2005
Jesus the King came to fight for your heart! If He has won your heart, then to follow your heart will always lead you to follow the heart of God. - McManus

Haven't posted for a while......

October 25 2005
Hey, I just wanted to say 'hello' to anyone who reads this =)

Hey Guys

October 25 2005
I just want to say thanks to Nathan for fixing the problem with the blog manager for Safari users.

I had an awesome trip over fall break. I know that it has been a while but I couldn't use phusebox because I was on safari. The trip was great. The Alabama group ended up roofing and doing carpentry work on 5 houses, totalilng over $20,000. That is only possible because of the grace of God. I also wanted to tell you guys that I made a video of the trip. I have many copies so if you want one, just leave a comment.

I also have some other things that have been on my mind lately. Just to let those who don't know, I gave my heart fully to the Lord Jesus Christ during Big Stuf this past summer, and now I plan on getting baptised at Calvary Baptist Church in Knoxville soon. I will let all of yall know the exact day, as soon as I find out. I think that Justin and Amy are comming up that sunday to k-town, so if you wanna come just call them. I would love to see you guys and show you are my new home.

I am trying right now to go on a couple mission trip this next year. The biggest one is with Calvary over Spring Break. We will be going to Trinadad, to help spread the gospel and help out local churches in their effort. I will know soon, if I am able to go. Please be praying for me and the trip itself. I will update soon.

I hope everything is well.

In Him,
Jason Thacker

Unreached Peoples Fact
There are seven Least-Reached people groups each over 50,000,000 in population, the largest being the Japanese (122,064,200).

Missions Scripture
"Let the nations be glad and sing for joy; For You will judge the peoples with uprightness and guide the nations on the earth."
Psa 67:4

exciting times!

October 25 2005
so, my friend andrew has a phusebox now, and maybe jordan will soon get one, and then it will spread through the music building! i'm so excited for nathan with this taking off like it has! way to go and congrats nathan! i miss you!

Why didn't I skip Accounting?

October 25 2005

Why on earth did I not skip this horrific bore of a class today? Something told me when I took a mini-nap about 30min after I woke up this morning just not to go, but I always go to class and I didn't want today to be an exception. So I've pretty much done most of my homework, even though he doesn't take it up, and I'm understanding all of the concepts too. So for the entire 85 minutes of class, while I'm forcing myself to stay awake by tapping feverishly and spinning my pen, he goes over homework problems I got correct and reviews concepts I already know. What a wonderful way to start the morning!



October 25 2005

The Life of an Intern

October 25 2005

Well, here I sit again on another Tuesday here at the office of RLM Mission Management.  So far, I have ran a few errands and that about sums it up. Not too much is going on in life other than work, which I complain enough about here.  So just to give the benefit of the doubt, I decided to give a positive point of Wal-Mart...note, this took some time to think up and execute, but it worked. 

I will start by giving the moral of the story: "When the system continually screws you, it will eventually screw itself."

Let's think way back to May of this year...ok, now that we have gone back 5 months, this is the time they decided that I would better serve the company in dairy. Now, at that time, I was a level 4 employee moving to a level 3 position (in turn = pay cut).  Well, they promised me no pay cut, which was fine until 2 months into the deal, when they told me they "had" to change my job code because I did not work 50% of my hours up front at the service desk anymore. I of course said no to a pay cut.  Well, this went on for a few weeks, when it was discoved that my pay class had changed, but the pay cut never went into effect.  This is where I started thinking, if the pay grade changed and didn't cut, could I go up in pay class and get the raise? (Note: this is $0.20 we are talking about which is $8/week, so I'm not breaking the company). So after another month of negotiations and talks of moving back up front because being one of the fastest cashiers (no ego here, just fact, if you want proof, the company average for items per hour is roughly 400-450, I typically end an 8 hour day between 750-900 items per hour) would definately serve the company better during Christmas with our short staff.  Well to conclude this never ending story, they moved me up front, and I signed off on the changes, and lo and behold, Daniel finally got a raise and is closer to making what he thinks he deserves.

In other news...no that's it... time to go to school...thank you my 5 loyal readers more to come, and maybe next time I will have a humorous ancedote (hopefully that is the right word) to share ...

my life

October 25 2005
Sorry I havent updated in a while. I have been really busy! Between school, studying, sorority, and hanging with friends I havent had much time for myself. I really need to get my act together. I am completely unorganized. I hope everyone is enjoying school and that this first semester is almost over! Well I guess that is all for now. I have to go get ready for my bowling class. Have a great week!!!


October 25 2005
Hey everyone! Well today didn't start off too hot but it has gotten better. I have to work at church tonight and I am not exactly thrilled about that. You would think that having a job at church would be amazing but when you are dealing with 11 whiny children, it is a little less than amusing. It will all be okay though because I have Jesus in my life and that is something to rejoice about right? Well i suppose that is all for now. Hope everyone has a super rest of the day! <3~ Brittany


October 25 2005
Here's a photo I found of Jesus and I love this I wonder if he really looks like all the photo's we have seen.

Le sigh... and then... Le smile

October 25 2005

Do you ever get the feeling you are running straight toward something you want or need to do and then you run right into a brick wall? And you just want to scream or cry? But you know that it won't make it better. Sometimes I feel that way. Actually I feel that way a lot lately.

There's of course the guy you poor readers have been putting up with me going on about. I'm pathetic I know. There's just something that draws me to him, and part of me doesn't want to like him anymore, doesn't want to have to go through this. But then part of me, the majority, wants to like him, to feel the way I do about him. Thats the part that really does care about him and wants him home. And I'm confused and he's 1400 miles away and I don't get to see him or talk to him much.

There's also mock trial, which I really like. But I've spent so much time on it and I don't think I'm improving much. Plus I got switched from the team I was on. Sometimes I just feel like I'm doing terrible and that I'm hurting my team. I try so hard and I mess up something every time I get up there. It's driving me crazy. I just keep working though cause I've got to.

On a more positive note. However crazy mock trial is driving me, I'm excited about the scrimmage Saturday at Vandy. I'm memorizing rules and questions and my defense opening (I'm a little nervous, but excited) so I'll be as ready as possible. I'm nervous cause it's like the tournament Middle is hosting in November.

Then there is of course I'm finally getting a new phone in November. No more crappy phone that doesn't work half the time. Yayness. I've had this crappy one for two years and it is really messed up. It doesn't pick up, it doesn't ring, it freezes, and my screen goes blank. I've had so much trouble with the phone that I'd toss it right now, but I've got to have a phone and I've got a bunch of txt messages saved cause they are really cute or sweet.

Forever yours, Lucky


October 25 2005
God is so amazing, he is working with me in so many ways right now.For the last month i have felt so diconnected for some reason, and it was torture to feel the way that i did. I was desparately seeking his face, and couldn't figure out what was holding back. I didn't even recognize who i was anymore, so i prayed that he just take hold of my hand and pull me back to him, and there were certain situations that happened this weekend that directly placed me back at the place that i needed to be, mistakes that basically showed me, the old me doesn't exist anymore, and that the reason why i don't know who i am is because he is still working on me, he will always be working on me, but right now i am going through some major reconstruction.  I have had a lot of thoughts processing through my mind, and a lot of debri hit me, all of which was strong enough, that it would give anybody the urge to just give up, but that is not the answer, his timing!!!!!I keep rminding myself that he has PERFECT timing, sometimes that is a hard thought to grasp hold of, ok lets face it God himslef is a thought that is hard to grasp hold on, but Faith is helping with that. Last night, God was definitely present, He basically held my hand, and guided me throuh a situation that could have been very nerve racking, but he was by my side the whole entire time, and with Him there evrything that needed to be said was said, and a common ground was reached. I am glad that the situation went so well, and it is helpng me GROW!! Man there is so much to learn, and with that i know now that the thing that happened with the first guy mentioned in earlier blogs, was to show me that it is just not time for me to be in a relationship. The same with the newer guy, because he has really been an example to me, and i want to thank him for that!!! God has truely used you, to help guide me. WOW I HAVE JUST POURED  MY HEART OUT. I guess we can only sit back and enjoy the ride, God has so much to show us all. Til next time God Bless!!


October 25 2005

has anyone else besides me and april jumped in a pool at 1:00 in the morning in 30 degree weather w/ all our clothes on?

Today is a drag

October 25 2005

So right now, I'd soooo love to be sleeping, like Amanda is.  *sigh* but I must work.  Work is no fun sometimes, but it does let me catch up on my radings.  Contemplating whether I want to go to Comm or not...if not, I'll take a nap.

So....not much else to write...not much else to say.  Have a great day.

I need some input

October 25 2005
I am putting together some bridge events for the college minsitry at my church. Let me know what you think about them and if they sound like something you would go to.
1. Salsa Night (Free Salsa Dancing Lessons/ Dancing all night)
2. Dodge ball tournament
3. Coffee House/Open Mic night
4. Campus Cookout
5. Some kind of partenrship with another campus org to do something for Christmas, I need some help with that one.
So let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions.

warning: dont let this happen to you.

October 25 2005

Ok...so it goes a little something like this.

Let's say you're a college student.  You haven't exactly been dilligent about going to all of your classes - and it's your fourth year doing this.  You've pretty much come to grips with the fact that you're a B-C student, and you're ok with that, because that's what you've chosen to be.  You just want a diploma. 

Well, in order to keep this B-C average, you must do SOME work, and go to class SOMETIMES.  Right?  Right.  So lets just say that one day you pull out your Accounting 101 Syllabus to see what you need to do in order to keep up with the class.  And low and behold, you discover that there's a SIXTEEN FREAKING PAGE homework assignment due the next morning at 8:00AM, and your professor ALWAYS picks up your homework.  You know this, because you aways feel stupid in class as if you're the only one who doesn't do it.  Did I mention you discovered this assignment at MIDNIGHT the night before?  Well there's always two options in this case.  You suck it up and realize you're going to fall asleep on the first page, so you just forget about it and go to sleep, or you committ to an all-nighter in order to keep your grade...well...to keep a grade at all.  So...just, for fun, lets say you go for the all nighter.  You don't even stop, not once, to get on Phusebox, or Facebook...or even to grab something to drink.  You work dilligently, and get the majority of the assignment done.  You work on it all night long, and you still don't finish (we must take into account that your brain will function much slower in the middle of the night) the WHOLE thing, but the majority should get you a passing grade, maybe even a C or a B.  Well, you take your shower, and make it to class on time.  You whip out the assignment, ready to hand it in.  But as your professor always does...he goes over some other problems first, giving you a little time to double check your big assignment before you turn it in.  And time keeps going...and going...and keeps going by, until, wait a second, it's the end of class.  And you're waiting for the famous, "Ok, it's time to hand in your assignment" line.  But it never comes.  IN FACT, the professor acknowledges the assignment, but decides NOT to make it due on this day and NOT to make it worth 30 points toward your final grade like the syllabus said.  Instead, it's due 3 weeks later, with the next exam, and you get 6 points toward your total on the next exam for doing it.  Now that's not a bad deal, BUT YOU HAVEN'T SLEPT BECAUSE HE TOLD YOU IT WAS DUE TODAY.  So how does that help you today?  It doesn't.  Yout just walk around like a zombie, going to your classes, not retaining any information.  Of course you realize that it's your fault to begin with, because you should have checked your syllabus and started this assignment over a week ago, but still.  You have SOME  right to be upset about this little event.  Hmm.  Just imagine if that happened to you.  And you'll know how I feel.  Sad, huh?  


October 25 2005
I am completly content now. We got the heat turned on in the dorm last night. Oh it is a wounderful thing. I like this feeling of warmth. No more waiting to go to class just so I can get warm. No more having to wear five layers of clothes in the room. I love the warm it is nice.

Fly High

October 25 2005

i went to judgement house last nite! props to Weston and Big Al for jobs well done! ^^ i have a voice lesson today! w00t! ^^
like my new profile pic? i took it this morning @ Waffle House; me and Elissa met this morning there and had bible study. we read the whole book of Ruth. pretty interesting... back then, to finalize the new ownership of land, one guy took his sandal off and handed it to the other guy lol and at Cracker Barrel, we saw Jordna!lol and Allen and my dad and Eric >.< lol

"I'm afraid. The steps I can't take
pile up, and turn into a long, long
path untraveled; I'm too late.
During that time, I started thinking that
somehow maybe even this place isn't so bad.
I kept giving myself reasons."


Mal's Song

October 25 2005
All my friends are posting songs on their blogs, so I thought I'd post
one of my favorites. It's called Mal's Song. It's based on the TV
series Firefly and the movie Serenity. If you haven't seen Serenity,
you need to. It's an awesome movie. This is it:

Mal's Song

When the stars shine bright through the engine's trail

And the dust of another world drops behind

When my ship is free of the open sky

It's a damn good day to my way of mind

There's a barren planet you never can leave

There's a rocky valley where we lost a war

There's a cross once hung round a soldier's neck

There's a man's faith died on Serenity's floor

But I stood my ground and I'll fly once more

It's the last oath that I ever swore


Take my love, take my land

Take me where I cannot stand

I don't care, I'm still free

You can't take the sky from me

Take me out into the black

Tell 'em I ain't comin' back

Burn the land and boil the sea

You can't take the sky from me

You can't take the sky from me

When you see a man and he's standin' alone

Well you might just take him for an easy mark

And there's many a man has tried his hand

And there's worse than wolves in the borderland dark

From the savage men to the government hounds

Try to take what's yours and tear you through

But them that run with me's got my back

It's a fool don't know that his family's his crew

Don't you tell me what I cannot do

Don't you think I've got to run from you


When you've walked my road and you've seen what I've seen

Well you won't go talkin' 'bout righteous men

You'll know damn well why I want to keep to my sky

Never cry 'neath nobody's heel again

I've seen torment raked 'cross innocent souls

Seen sane men mad and good men die

I've been hounded, hated, married and tricked

Been tortured, cheated, shot and tied

You won't see no tears when I say goodbye

I've still got my family and my Firefly

by Michelle Dockrey, (c) 2004

chorus from "Ballad of Serenity" by Joss Whedon (c) 2002

seeking: a role model

October 25 2005

i was thinking about role models yesterday and i thought, what does it take to be a role model?  then i see today that Rosa Parks died.  of course we all know who she was (at least we should) because to me she was a role model.

but who are the role models these days?  adulterers (in real life and on TV), pompous athletes, semi-dressed singers.  have you ever noticed who gets all the magazine covers and tv coverage, etc.?  

for the 2 people who will read this...who is your role model?  something to really reflect on personally. 

No Catchy Title (as if the others are catchy)

October 25 2005
I met with my J-Group tonight. It was great! Only two guys showed up, but I'm getting comfortable with my guys being sporadic.
Intercession was neat tonight. I got in there late and left early. God did what He wanted to do quickly and effectively. Turns out I got the chance to pray with a friend of mine who is going through a tough time. He is so faithful! I can't comment enough about how His timing is perfect. He shows just enough of His grand scheme at just the right moment, just when it's truly needed. He answers prayer in ways that I could not have imagined (talk about creativity).

A few people had some questions about . My previous post was not directed at any one person, or any five people for that matter. Consider it a blanket. If anyone has questions about it, please call me. I would love to talk about it.

Very Odd...

October 24 2005
Does anyone else find this a little disturbing?  We all knew Nathan liked Callie, but I think he is taking it a little too far :)

photo from bee136


October 24 2005



Resort Guests Only

October 24 2005
Phone rings @ 10:30am. . .

Labor Operations is calling  CP's to come to work. . .it's pouring down rain outside, but the park must open

Bus will be @ my housing complex @ 11:30

that "bus" was a  15 passengar van. . .yea.

I was one of the 14 people that managed to get on it.

arrived at Vista(other housing complex) and was transfered in the rain to a real bus

transported to Magic Kingdom

still raining

Go to costuming, get a breaker(costume i can wear anywhere in the park)

change, go to money office, note says to walk to the other side of the park and see managers(west side veranda)

managers didn't know I was coming. . .

clock in @ 1pm

clean off tables in tomorrowland noodle station

back to west side veranda

fed chips and bottled drinks

spilt into east side/west side groups

told we can work potts till 12:30am or clean. . .

cleaning doesn't sound fun, I con Sean and Julie to work with me

maybe not the best idea. . .but I did work 11.3 hours today. . .

that's good, right??

and it's cold here. . .I disagree with  it. ..


October 24 2005
kind of ironic. Toni came home thursday morning/wednesday nite after i wrote that entry.

God is so good.

math test tomorrow. studied for hours. now i just need some prayers haha..


October 24 2005

Kind of pissed off right now. Actually, I'm extremely pissed off right now.

I'm pleased with all the positive (and sometimes shocking) feedback about my haircut. Thanks you guys.

So I walked outside to go to English today thinking that it would be in the mid 60s like it was last week. To my surprise, it was around 50 with a very cold wind. I stood in flip flops, a pair of shorts, and a t-shirt while everyone else has on jeans and jackets.

Felt good to me, :).

Halfway through the first semester in college and I've got to say it's harder than I thought it would be but hey, I'll be fine. Next semester is going to be a blast, that is if I get my schedule the way I want it.

It's kinda late and I've got alot of work to do tomorrow so..

Peace, ya'll.

So this is my first entry....

October 24 2005

I just joined this thing and I have no idea really what it's all about...a friend told me about it so ummm...I guess if you want to check out my site, go ahead.

I play guitar in a band called Sound Presidential and we're centered in the Murfreesboro TN area and we have music on myspace and purevolume:



the purevolume site is under our old band name...just so you know.

ok I guess that's it. Later

God is AMAZING! :o)

October 24 2005

I had a great day on Sunday...God just never stops revealing himself to me. Every day is like a new adventure because God shows me something new. Mickey talked about how we don't just stop and worship God like we should. We get so caught up in so many things that we don't delight ourselves in His presence and in His love. We shouldn't be so wrapped up in our lives that we shove God out...He's the reason we are still here. He deserves all the praise and all of our love. Give it all to Him!

"Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart."- Psalm 37:4

Have a great week you guys!! Make Jesus your passion!!



October 24 2005
So I got this account a while ago, but I figured I would try it out and see how I like it.. we'll see. :)

A little bit about me..

My name is Becca. I'm a RA in Beasley Hall.. I go to CRU and I participate in a bible study as well as leading a freshman bible study. I spent my summer on a summer project with CRU in Clearwater Beach, Florida and that's all I can think of for now!


October 24 2005
so i really wish they would turn on the heat cuz its really cold here!!!  its about the same temperature in my room as it is outside.  at least its not as bad as the week before fall break; it was actually colder in my room than outside!!!
76 days til season 5!!! 
and here's some elephant poo to brighten your day!!!  i know it made me happy!! lol

*that link doesn't work on my computer, so i hope it works on yours!!  if not, go there anyway or watch you some 24!!!!


October 24 2005
 My parents are making me crazy!!! They think they can control every move I make!!!!! I told them that The Judgement was gonna run until about 12 p.m. and they freaked out!!! I guess they don't realize that people's eternal lives are in danger!!! I have got to get out of there!!!!! I CANNOT stand to live there anymore...they are way to protective!!! They think i should be home every night by at least 9...that is bullcrap!!! I am college student now, they have to realize it!!!! I am so angry right now!!!!