True or False?

August 05 2006
Love in its weakest form is an emotion.


August 05 2006
thanks for the birthday wish..... in every form is an emotion.especially when its weak.

Cari Jennings

August 05 2006
true. love in its strongest form is an action.

Sarah Vermillion

August 05 2006
My freshman english teacher once said, "Love is not how you feel towards a person. Love is how you treat a person."<br><br>So yeah. I'm jumping on the "true" bandwagon.


August 06 2006
Hmmm... interesting philosophy. I never thought of that, but I would have to say true.

Sarah Vermillion

August 06 2006
I got lucky on parking. I got this sort of psychic brainwave that said, "Turn down this aisle, even though there are no empty spaces." And lo and behold, a man and what appeared to be his teenage daughter appeared in the lane, and motioned that he was going to get into his car and that I should take his parking spot. It was way close to the door, too.

Garrett Haynes

August 07 2006
sarah and bama friends