Wow! ANOTHER COMMENT! (dum dum dum)

June 09 2005
Hmmm... What to say? Ummm... I have no idea what thie Tennessee Secession Day thing is all about? (sounds obvious, but still) I beat Halo 2 again out of pure slow draining animosity of living life in apathy. ( I have no idea what that even means) Anyways, I realize more and more that that game has the worst ending ever! Oh well, so I guess that's all I can really say right now. So, I'll leave you to what your doing, and I'll enjoy my cold refreshing dew.

Sara Shaban

June 09 2005
JJ!!! I met you last night...we threw pennies...sara

the brian king kenobi

June 09 2005
tennessee secession day . . . we were bored and decided to celebrate a random holiday. that lotr thing is hilarious. and if you're terribly bored, we could get a big group together for starbucks or something sometime.


June 09 2005
yeah...i meant my phusebox when i said my site. tee hee. and i thing the lotr thing is realllllly funny.

Nelson Lumpkin

June 09 2005
Sounds like a plan.

cole brown

June 09 2005
hey hey! i found your phuse box thing so i thought i would say hi. i saw u at chuch last night but i didnt get to say anything. soo i hope that your having a wonderful day and ill see u later. ps- i was born in jacksonville, fl..thats pretty cool =]

cole brown

June 09 2005
no i didnt get to meet u at church on wed. but ill introduce myself next week if your there..

Jessica Goss

June 09 2005
Just browsing. The LOTR icon is great.


June 10 2005
hey! sooo i kindof met u @ church on wed! i was sitting w/ jamie & rachel...rach is my twin sis by the way! but name's hey! i'll ttyl! hope ur enjoying m'boro so far!


June 10 2005
JARROD!!! yay you have a phusebox!! well sorry if the first impression was bad, i wasn't feel very well wednesday night. but have a great rest of the summer!! -kathryn-claire