Shelby Craig


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Gibbs High School


Religion, Music, Disc Golf

New Artist on the Christian Scene

July 18 2006
I have a guy that you need to check out. I will compare him to the Jason Mraz of Christian Music.  His new single, "Lost at Sea" is blowing up the airways in Nashville, get to know this guy before everyone else does.   Then you'l be sayin, "I've been listening to him for a minute now. 

Also, you can download one of his songs along with 6 other Christian artist for free, 12 songs in all.  Think about it as a christmas in july present for the ol' ipod!
Artist include: Foolish Things, Jimmy needham, Matt Kearney, Tree63, Shane and Shane, Superchic[k], asn Paul Coleman.

Please your ears, your thank me later.


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