i don't wanna grow up...

March 22 2006

growing up means making actual decisions that have tangible impacts on the rest of your life. 

it sounds great to grow up in theory, until you have to pay for this and that, and your advisor says she can't help you until you pick a major...

ben moser's post made me think back to when everything was fun, and if it wasn't fun, then you made it fun through some stretch of the imagination...

i miss those days...


March 22 2006
i miss those days too. and my advisor sucks. actually. i dont think i even have like one set advisor since i'm undecided.

the brian king kenobi

March 22 2006
tell me about it . . . i pretty much have to decide where to go to college this week.

elizabeth duncan

March 22 2006
i like being grown up...if you can call me that. but i didn't always like getting to this place of liking it (if that makes sense)...growing up is hard.


March 22 2006
i guess we dont really realize how it is, until we run out of time. but anyways, thanks for the history lesson, it was FRICKIN awesome.

Ben Moser

March 22 2006
they most certainly are still "in".


March 22 2006
i absolutely positively agree...my advisor meeting that i only went to to get the hold off so i can register pretty much stunk too (which is kindof contradictory since i have no clue what i'm registering for lol) soo yeah i wish i had a major too...ben's post did the same for me :o( well i guess i'll be talkin to ya later...have a good rest of the week...love ya wobert! :o) (ahh those were the days haha)

eddie sally

March 23 2006
it was good seein ya today. by the way like 2 minutes after we stopped talking, i got the lab so i will be spending 4000 this summer.


March 26 2006
im still a child at heart.... <3 ALI

elizabeth duncan

April 08 2006
So, I heard you're going to China! I'm definitely praying for you. That makes me so happy. It will change your life.

elizabeth duncan

April 10 2006
Louie talks about that (the sinner vs saint thing). It's an awesome message - you should download it. It's from Passion 05 and I'm sure someone has it - I know Olivia Carter has it. I actually listened to it when I was in China this past time...totally right when I needed to hear it. Simple concept...but we still, as a church, don't "get it." I was listening to John Piper yesterday and he was apologizing for his generation (this was in 2000 at One Day) for corrupting the minds of our generation. He talks about how we do not understand the terms "holiness of God" or "glory of God " and it's their fault because they've dumbed it down. He says the "ME" generation has made the gospel and salvation all about "ME" and put "ME" in the center - when all God was doing (and is) was (and is) glorifying HIMSELF. That's another good one, similar concept - I've got it if you want it. Shoot me an email and I'll email it. spencertheduck at gmail.


April 14 2006
No i am certain it was letterman because he said something like" lets do our jay walk about Jesus." i so certain thats what he said


April 14 2006
Iam so sorry........i just realixed it was leno i was watching. i just got mixed up.sorry