school work shmoool work

September 27 2005
so here i am. in the library. why is it that papers are due in groups? i remember this time last year, i had FOUR papers due in one week and three tests. now i have THREE papers due in one week. ahhhh, well. take one for the team. i guess.

so i am playing an organized sport. i know. laugh. i am too. no, really. i'm playing intramural flag football. for those of you who have seen me play basketball (maria)...i like to think that i'm better at football than basketball. maybe i'll even score a few goals. i mean, touchdowns. i keed. i keed.

the weather today....A MAZE ING. no other words to describe it. the sun is gorgeous. the sky is dep blue. the temperature is perfect. i really want to sit outside...but i never get anything done outside.

actually, i take that back. i refuse to sit in this library. i'm going to go get food and sit outside. yessssss.



September 27 2005
girls flag football... yeah!

Maria Haun

September 27 2005
i wish i could be there to see that! i know you are going to rock girl! score a goal for me! hahahaha!

Joy Fanguy

September 27 2005
the weather is amazing..wait till thursday, the high is 72..bring it on


September 28 2005
How did you guys play? I didn't get there early enough to see you.