So long, Fare well...

August 16 2005
Well, bright and early tomorrow morning I am moving back to Cookeville. I guess that pretty much signifies the end of the summer for me. I have been running around crazy the past two days trying to get everything together, but I think it is finally done. I can't believe I am moving into an apartment... so weird. I wasn't ready to move out of the dorms yet, but God definitely had bigger plans and I will trust in that. Anyway, this summer has been good and I have learned quite a bit by being home. I had a great time with everyone that I was able to spend time with and get to know. I can't wait to come home and see you guys again. Anyway I'm tired, so goodnight and see ya later. :)

Mallory Gambill

August 17 2005
be safe! i love you MO'nica! goodness----we've all grown up so KILLS me... be safe- ly, mal

Rachael Moore

August 17 2005
awww i will miss you!


August 17 2005
aww! i'll miss you! :o) have a blast in cookeville and i know God will do amazing things through you there!

Carla Simpson

August 18 2005
aww my mon!! naima and i are going to work on that roadtrip to lousiville!! i love you! give me a call once you get settled!

lauren i.

August 20 2005
hey beautiful! :) i can't wait to see you at school.. relationships 101! yeahh! :D