My high

April 08 2006
i put my head phones on .Turn up the the volume and close my eyes to the point that all can hear is my heart beat and the breath which gives me life ,this what i live for the sounds of  rage ,passion ,anarchy,love,hate ,the sounds which frees your heart and soul form  everything and everyone,this is my high this what i live for not the chaos we call life ,but for those few moments in which the words seem to consume me i fill free form everything that brings me down ,makes me feel less ,makes me hate ,every thing  and any things that hurts me . Music is my high its what i live for ,its lives inside me keeps me going makes me smile ,forget my pain sarrows ...This is my high ....

Ashleigh Glaze

April 09 2006
WOW I miss u so much lol. Well I like your enty ttyl hopefully

Rachel Hughey

April 10 2006
Nice...I approve. Talk later!

rachel gucci

April 12 2006
nice enty i like it a lot macks me think of life!!! i miss ya a lot talk laterzzzz!!!!!!!!LOL


April 17 2006
it makes me go hmmmmmmmmmmm