
September 15 2005
Well, I only have a few minutes before class starts and I'm not even going to be able to dive into everything that's on my mind right now because there's just so much. There is so much with which I am frustrated and so many things I am trying to figure out. The five hour long rush practice last night didn't help much either. I'm really excited about rush though. There are some great girls coming through and I love them!

I know that a lot of the reason I'm so frustrated is that my quiet times have been lacking, if not non-existent lately and I hate that. I really want to put God first in everything that I do, but somehwere along the way I have turned into the person that says, "I'm too busy, God." Such an idiotic statement, I know. God is in control of everything, including my rigorous schedule and if I would just make time for Him before anything else, then He would make it a lot easier to deal with.

I'm just really confused right now about people and their actions and words in general. I can't see why some people would be the way that they are, stringing others along and eventually dragging them through the dirt simply for their own personal ego trip and enjoyment. I can't see why some people think they are righteous or any better than anyone else. Most of all, I can't see why the people who are friends with these confusing people don't see it! They think the people who are treating them like crap are just great! I wish they would take a look from the outside looking in...

Other than that, I'm pretty much just ready to get the whole rush thing over with so that my life can be somewhat back to normal, whatever that is. :)

Jonathan Seal

September 19 2005
Words of the wise are hardly understood by those who need wisdom the most.