God should be the definition of love in the dictionary

November 22 2005

God reminded me of something today. I was kind of feeling a little down about some things and God reminded me how much security i have in Him. His promises to me are secure and reliable. Another thing He told me was that friends will come and go and that doesn't matter. That you shouldn't put all your energy into people or things that aren't for sure always going to be there. I need to do that more. I tend to rely on things of this world when I need to make sure to first see that God is always here...He will always be my rock in my life. But it sometimes hurts to think that some friends might leave you.


November 22 2005
Yeh I definately agree :) ! But yeh it is hard to not rely on friends for help , but I try my hardest to go to God , and yeh it does suck that friends sometimes leave, but at least you have memories with them:) ....but yeh I like your entry ...:) -sarah-


November 23 2005
:( i miss you


November 23 2005
amen...i sooo agree and God's definitely teachin me the same!