Ashley Byars


Relationship Status


It's a GREAT day to be alive!!!!

September 27 2005
I am falling in love!!! With God!!! He is so amazing and I can't believe I was stupid enough and naive enough to wait this long. I have never been happier. I am learning to give Him things in my life I never thought I would be able to hand over. Of course I am human and take them back on occasion, but I soon as I realize it I give it back and appologize.

Another happy note, my French test was moved from today to Thursday!!!! I am so excited because I didn't study like I should have, but got it down now...well, working on it.

I love to meet new people...met some today, love them, will be friends with them, they are great...LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!

Met a girl named Deborah...sister-in-law to Jen...really sweet and a LOT like me, poor thing...she is all that and a bag of chips!! LOVE YOU GIRLY!!!!

Today is my Daddy's birthday. If you know me you know that we don't have the best relationship in the world. I thought about being mean and *forgetting* his...he so often forget's mine and remember's my brothers, nothing against my bro.(love you), that's just how my dad works. Anywho, I decided to be the bigger person and wish him a happy birthday, so I did. I feel better now, it was the right thing to do.

On a happier note, I might be going to Goodman today to visit my old BSU and all my friends that are still there. Don't tell them, they don't know yet, it's a suprise!!! I like suprising people and do it whenever I you guys with all my heart!!!

Anywho, I am tired and think a nap is in order...that is until everyone else get's out of class and I get phone calls to come do things with them...I love my friends!!!!

I hope everyone is having as GREAT a day as I am!!! God loves you (and don't you ever forget it)...and I love you too (don't forget that either)!!!!

CSC this weekend, it is going to be the bomb will rock your face off...FUN TIMES!!!



September 27 2005
i love how he is faithful!