
March 24 2006

yeah, the last day before spring break i am so exited cause i get to "sleep in" if McDonalds don't call at like 8:30 and make me come in. ok so what if there was no life only people no material things like makeup or jewlery or anything just people just existing to love. I think the world would be a better place because no one would be better than anyone else and they couldn't treat others bad because they were all the same. I mean because there are so many peole who judge and look down on others cause they don't have what others have they may not be as pretty or they may not have a lot of money but in my experience they usually turn out to be the coolest and best friends they don't turn there backs on u they don't judge you for the mistakes you made in the past. They don't talk about you, I mean don't you hate having friends who would turn on you in an instance they are so much better than you so they can talk like they now everything about you when all they see is the person you pretend to be around them . I dunno i think the world should focus on more than material things they won't last forever, but friendships will and the ones you make determine who you become so don't live your life to be popular hang out with the kids that aren't cool to, they may be the best friends of your entire life they will be the ones by your side when you get married of have kids everyone needs friends but don't look at the material things they have.


Carol Nixon

March 24 2006
amen sister........