lean mean grilling machine

January 18 2006

I totally made that burger!!!  and that's dip on the plate in case you were wondering!  it was delicious and we are all totally awesome!!  check out the other pictures!


Rachel Pearl

January 19 2006
Looks like a great buger. Did you cook that in the kitchen missy? (My RA days are coming back to me) Which dorm are you in? I used to be a RA in Corlew.

l a u r e n b e a s l e y.

January 20 2006

Garrett Haynes

January 30 2006
heck yeah lol i love dane cook (aside from all of his foul language, that is)

Emilio Estevez

February 06 2006
heck yeah lol i love dane cook (especially his foul language, that is) back in the day...i dont know if you guys know this...but that was a wednesday. yay pictures.