The Results Are In...

August 06 2005
So I told you guys that I would let you know how my doctor's appointment went. Well went better than it could've but not as well as I had hoped. I was praying with everything that I had that the doctor would tell me that I was just overreacting and that I was in perfect health.

But truth be told, that wasn't the case that morning. In all reality, the doctor told me there was a problem, and that surgery was the only way to fix it.

Surgery. My heart stopped at that moment. And I'm not sure that it's ever started again. My friends and family are trying to support me as best they can, but there's no words that can calm every single fear surging through my body right now.

Sure, I can say I'm not going through with the surgery. However, the only alternative to it is the possibility of cancer. So in all actuality, there really is no alternative. Every second of every day that seven letter word races through my head. More than anything I wish that there was some way out of it. But like I said, what other alternative do I have??


August 06 2005
Good luck, Stacie. I know you'll make it through this...I'll be praying for you.


August 06 2005
wow. i'll be praying.

lisa marie

August 07 2005
stacie, i'll be praying for you! if you ever need anything let me know! be blessed -- lisa marie