September 16 2005
-> Your Perfect Guy

Short Answer
.: x hair color-brown
.: x eye color-don't reallly matter

::x height-taller than me
.: x short or long hair-don't really matter

.: x prep, skater, jock, etc-hmm don't really care as long engough they are a good guy

Yes or No
.: x glasses-Doesnt matter
.: x contacts-doesnt matter
.: x buff-Thats nice
.: x piercings-no

.: x tatoos-i don't care as long engough its not all over the guy and noticable
.: x teeth-good teeth!!!
.: x cook-That is always nice
.: x love his mom-i don't know
.: x watch chick flicks with you-awww that would be like a MAJOR plus there cause i LOVE chick flicks
.: x cuss-No!
.: x drink-Nooo!
.: x smoke-No-o-o!
.: x write poems-aww thats ALWAYS a plus too
.: x walk you to your door-You better
.: x pay for dinner-You better..haha i'd be lying if i said i don't mind if i have to pay
.: x wild or conserved-In the middle

This or that
.: x funny or serious-Funny
.: x night out or stay at home-depends on whats going on

.: x shy or outgoing-a little of both
.: x candy or flowers-Flowers...candy makes you fat lol
.: x smart or dumb-Smart
.: x not afraid to speak his mind or do what makes you happy-speak your mind
.: x quiet or loud-In between.. not too much of either
.: x class clown or class nerd-either one is ok
.: x funny or sarcastic-funny
.: x basketball or football-both???...haha i don't care
.: x honest or trushtworthy-Both!!!!