Hello to All

August 12 2005
Hello to all Belle Aire youth (and graduates). I've finally had some time to download my pictures from the last night I was there. I would love to keep in touch with you all. I will try and write on here how things are going over here in NC. So far, things are going pretty good. I've gotten all moved into my apartment and have started my job - which I love:) and its nice now that Josh is here too. He's starting his job next week and seminary the week after that. God is continuing to work in us and guide us as we seek out His purpose for us here. We are looking for a church right now and have found one that we really like. Please pray that we will follow God as He leads. Thanks, and keep in touch:)


Nathan Moore

August 12 2005
hey stephanie!

Garrett Haynes

August 12 2005
Stephanie! I see josh took my advice I told him to make u get a phusebox and he did. Hope all is swell in NC. Glad that your new job is going well. We are praying for you and Josh. I can't wait to come to yalls wedding! God bless. ~Garrett


August 12 2005
aww steph! i miss you so much! can't wait for you to come and visit!love ya


August 12 2005
steph! i love you!


August 12 2005
awww yay! i'm sooo glad we have a way to keep in touch!love you!

Rachael Moore

August 12 2005
hey hey! hope that every thing is going well! we miss you!

ami driver

August 13 2005
i miss you oh so much! hope everything's going good in nc and i will def. be praying for yall!

Ashley Davis

August 13 2005
hey gorgeous! i miss you tons.