
March 30 2006

What's up guys? Well I thought I would update this thing because it's been forever! Life has been crazy with school wrapping up, and summer on the way there is so much change! This whole becoming an adult thing is wild! Anyways something God has been showing me as of late is that true repentance and change from sin brings restoration. There have been so many times this year where I will struggle with something, and I will continue to pursue that same mistake. I continue until I realize it never gives me what Christ can give me. When I run back to Christ he's always there with a humongous smile on his face! What an awesome God! So the youth are on Spring Break? I'm praying for you guys! Let me know how your trips went! By the way, Amber and I have been dating 4 weeks tomorrow, and I've loved every second of it, even when she hurts me! You guys stay firm! Whether you are strong or weak, the Almighty will illuminate in you with your permission! How awesome!
